Watch: Hillary Clinton drags Trump (who tweets back) in historic speech claiming nomination

I appreciate the reminder/tone policing for I know how highly middle-class politesse is valued around here and as for me I do try to refrain from personally characterizing in any particular way those who I see eating what I on the other hand don’t hesitate to characterize (however nasty it may seem to some) as being expected to eat a shit sandwich and pretend I like it.

Public figures, though, do strike me as fair game, especially when I think they deserve it.



I wish I lived somewhere where it snowed. I want to make a snow-hedgie.


On their face. While wearing boots. While stomping. Forever.


It snowed last time I was in Texas.


Trust me, it’s overrated, my friend.

There’s other ways to make cute hedgies.


We get micro-dustings that melt in an hour or two here, so there’s not enough for a snow-hedgie. We do get sleet, black ice, and a ton of hail, though. Every once in a while there’s some snow that lasts overnight, but it hasn’t happened in a long, long time.

It’s true, it’s more fun to go visit snow that to have snow visit you.


No. I was talking about strategies on both sides in the usual post-convention season, specifically of the standard shift toward the center. I don’t think Trump actually means much of anything he says; he seems even more intent on merely getting elected than Clinton does. What I was saying is that the Dems have provided a lot of red meat to Trump by nominating a rightwing elitist that he can all too easily characterize as such while he himself shifts to the left. That wouldn’t have been so easy for him if they’d rigged the game for Sanders instead of for HRC.


Must have been 2010?

There was ‘record’ snowfall in Waco. 4", maybe? Everything closed, the roads were deserted. I guess all those giant pick up trucks can’t drive in slush.


Yeah, every 6 years or so there’s a bigger snowfall, though that one didn’t last through the next day as snow here - it rained and turned to ice/horror. Every time there’s a threat of a freeze the city basically shuts down, which seems silly, but is wise since nobody here knows how to drive on ice or snow, and there are always a huge swath of accidents from the mix of lunatics speeding and the lunatics driving 5MPH.


Solution: every municipal and state official in Texas spends a year living in Minnesota or Wisconsin. After that, they won’t bat an eye at any snowfall less than eight inches.


Or here in Boston. Locals are still a little smug about getting through our 110 inch ‘snowmageddon’ a few years ago.


My proposal: send every resident who’s never lived out of state in a state where it snows to spend several years in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Vermont, or upstate New York for a full year. Then only let them back in once they acknowledge that other states can be nice and that Texas has a few flaws. Sorry MN, WI, VT, NY.

In 2014 the city shut down for this:


I love cold, bitter winters but I grew up with them. Nothing else hushes the outside world like a foot of snow. It’s like four months of peace. Some years I wish it would go on for six. Or seven. This year, I’d have taken a baker’s dozen.


So did I; that’s why I loathe them so.


I lived in Nova Scotia for a few years and while I didn’t always love the snow, I did love having four distinct seasons. I also like the cold far better than the hot (easier to dress warm than deal with heat, and I just like winter clothes), so naturally I live in a hot, muggy place.


It’s the King from Skulls! versus Grier this year.

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Right. But then not many disaffected Sanders supporters are going to fall for this and vote Trump, they’ll vote for Jill Stein or even Johnson/Weld.

But at the same time there are probably at least as many disaffected GOP voters who are disgusted at what Trump has turned their party into, and will vote Johnson/Weld, or just abstain altogether. Some might even vote HRC, if some of the tweets I’ve seen can be believed.

And anyway, the only people who think of HRC as a “right wing elitist” are those on the far left. The Limbaughs and Hannitys of the world will never think that, nor will their minions.

I really can’t judge how this whole thing is going to play out, but it sounds like you are hoping for an “I told you so” moment you can pin on the DNC.


Finding PG ones are rough…