Watch how a candy factory makes 1,680 jelly beans every second (video)

Originally published at: Watch how a candy factory makes 1,680 jelly beans every second (video) | Boing Boing


I give the video producers a lot of credit for not having an annoying voiceover.


The factory is a fun tour but it was slightly soured by all the hero-worship of Ronald Reagan.


BTW…if you are ever dared to play Bean Boozled…well, you’ve been warned.



I once had a business meeting with Jelly Belly at the factory offices. After the meeting, our host brought us downstairs to the giant gift shop and said, “Go crazy - grab anything you want.” I felt like Charlie Bucket.


At 3:30, are they using granulated sugar as tumbling media? That’s kind of cool, doubly so since it never occurred to me that jelly beans would need polishing.

Humans are great at solving complicated problems, just not the ones that really matter


Aw man, the process is massively parallel? I was hoping to see how they take only 0.6ms to make a jellybean.


idk, i think they guy who narrates on How It’s Made is pretty good. mellow, even toned, not too much talking. but i agree it was cool with just the ambient sound.


That video is garbage. It shows every step, and yet the viewer still doesn’t learn anything. Not worth the 60 seconds I spent watching the first 80 seconds.

All the good stuff was in that 20 seconds you missed. It was, the coolest thing.


The tours are fun, too. Haven’t “bean” hur hur since Covid, but there’s usually samples at each stage of production. Best part is buying the big bag of Belly Flops (failed Q.C.) and trying to scope out which bags have your preferred flavors.

A must-stop when family came to visit and the kids were wee 'uns. Even with the big candy Gipper.

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Watch how a candy factory makes 1,680 jelly beans every second

Yeah, somehow I missed that too. I just saw a bunch of machines performing unexplained operations on thousands of jelly beans. No “how” there.

Are they molded? milled? dropped? extruded? stamped? Now I really want to know.

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Molded, coated, dried and polished IIRC. It’s pretty cool.


They seemed to be using (corn?) starch as a sand-cast for each tray of beans. Basically the same way they make cast iron pans. Dust hazard management must be a massive headache.

That was my take, as well.

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One of the cool processes to watch at the factory is how they use those corn starch molds to make other kinds of candy like gummi bears.

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The gummi bear manufacturing process is mildly horrifying. The de-boning takes forever.


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