Watch: Hundreds of jack-o-lanterns haunt Transylvania University in amazing display

Originally published at: Watch: Hundreds of jack-o-lanterns haunt Transylvania University in amazing display | Boing Boing


For what it’s worth it was established with that name as an “institution across from the woods” (trans-sylvan-ia) in 1799 and Bram Stoker published Dracula in 1897. So this fine University has the ‘prior art’ as regards Dracula. The country/region central to Romania, aka Dacia, then under the domain of Hungary, was first named in a document as “Transylvania” circa 1075. So basic Latin erudition as opposed to anything halloweeny. (tip o’ bat-wings to various wikipedia pages)


I wish I’d known that university existed back when I went to college …


I went there 93-96. it was alright. basic private liberal arts college. it’s in the south, but pretends not to be. it’s gotten really fucking expensive now. (not that it wasn’t comparatively expensive back then.)

this jackolantern display is really cool though. my family goes every year.


Most style guides assert that jack-o’-lantern still requires the apostrophe.

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