They aren’t part of the community anymore, they are part of their own tribe, and they are on the warpath because they think their tribe is threatened, when in reality they are always free to join the rest of us in the much larger community; the “tribe” is just a construct of their own imagination.
“The cops are young, well, they’re just kids
They don’t know about the skids
They just do what the gentry bids
From the other end of town”
– Peter Case, “Underneath the Stars”
As a Veterinarian, I never had it as bad as the human fields likely do, but I’ve had a ton of people who felt it was fine to be abusive towards the receptionist and my technician, who became all sweetness and smiles as soon as I walked into the exam room.
They always seemed so surprised when I refused to see them, and told them in no uncertain terms that they had to leave the premises.
I guess you likely can’t do that in most human situations. All you can do is support your nursing staff as best as possible. I imagine that burn out/attrition must be ridiculous nowadays.
it’s kind of off putting to see terms that are often used about ( or against ) indigenous americans as ways of describing the negative behaviors of white americans
it honestly makes it sounds like these white americans used to have a “higher” standard of behavior that has now “fallen” to become like the behaviors of native americans, and that’s just so wrong on many levels.
( id say the same about the op which uses “hysterical” a term which was originally used exclusively to demean and diminish women, but that one’s near intractable )
I did consider the word “tribe” as I was typing, but the notion of tribes and tribalism is bigger than the indigenous peoples of North America, there are of course African tribes, the twelve tribes of the Old Testament, and the Gallic/Celtic tribes of Europe that Caesar described (Rome itself was originally founded by three tribes and the word has a Latin origin.) The word should be generic, but we have apparently linked it to Native Americans here in the US, which I think is pretty Amerocentric.
I do now realize in retrospect that “warpath” was an unfortunate term to use in this context though.
[ETA: and I know what you mean about “hysterical”-- but I hear it used for any gender now, and I can’t think of a better word in those situations.]
That’s just crazy. We loved our veterinarians (currently without animals), but we LOVED the support staff because we know that they’re the ones who do all the work.
(We had a specialist vet in the OC who admitted that she used to take her time writing her notes so she could spend time with our kitty on her desk. )
Looking through US history, I’d say that white Americans have always believed they have a high standard of behavior, despite all evidence to the contrary.
Seriously! Its just amazing that the “We-Know-Who-You-Are” guy gets away with what he does.
That is assault. And he’s being recorded by 2+ cameras, committing assault right in front of a police officer. The person in the car would easily get a conviction if he pressed charges.