Originally published at: Watch hysterical anti-mask mob threaten medical professionals after a school board meeting in Tennessee | Boing Boing
I wish that law enforcement would arrest people making these threats and make sure they’re charged as a deterrent to others. Unfortunately, they’ve got a history of excusing these types of protests and protesters. I’m imagining how upset these same folks will be when they can’t find medical professionals for other health problems, after they’ve driven them to quit because of fatigue, disgust, and/or fear:
while coming down hard on BLM protesters… it’s like they don’t care about the ACTUAL threats to public safety.
Why isn’t my choice to wear a mask as important to these people as their choice not to?
How is all of that not considered a threat? how are the police not actually arresting that man?
Because that is Communism… or something…
FIY: The county seat, Franklin, is an increasingly affluent white-flight community which started growing fast because of desegregation efforts in Nashville. Its median household income (around $75k) is twice that of households in Memphis or Nashville. Franklin is, of course, majority white, by far. At this time, there are a lot of healthcare businesses in Franklin, in addition to people who work in the Nashville area.
If there was only a way to filter out stupidity willful ignorance the way masks filter out particulates…
“Why yes, you CAN find me. I’m always at the hospital, taking care of the people that you’ve endangered.”
“To make it even easier for you, I’m the one wearing the mask…”
(picks up mask from desk, places it over face.)
“Yeah, wow, that is so difficult, and I feel so. . . .oppressed.”
(pulls off pants, burns them)
“Phew. . . that’s better.”
The good guys are always violent and demented, right? Right?
I think that going around unmasked in public is perfectly fine as long as you have incontrovertible evidence that you are not breathing in public.
Unsurprisingly, one of them is an attention-seeking, anti-mask lawsuit-slinging troll.
Ah, christian rock musicians. Makes sense.
It does become increasingly difficult to work in a field where we are increasingly seen as somehow “the enemy.” I have not been threatened, but I have certainly been accused of not understanding my own field, of being a “pharma shill,” of pushing a conspiracy theory (yes, I shit you not.) There are more an more days where it just does not seem worth it to get out of bed. And the nurses have it much, much worse. I wear my white, male armor (with the “unusually large” add-on, for good measure) every day. They do not have that advantage, and people are brutal to them on a frighteningly regular basis.
During the election, (pretty much) these same people were harassing poll workers who were just neighbors and citizens of the community - not deviant cogs of some grand conspiracy which these idiots seriously think they were / are. Now medical works are now in that same category. These angry mobs have broken the social contract with their community.
America, as a country, has a serious mental health issue and needs some intervention or a time out at the very least.
Bunch of fucking babies.
Come crying after the cops have busted your head open, gassed you, let some schmuck run you over with their car and let them go.
If any of those people had inserted their fingers into my car… those fingers would have been mine forever.
I believe that would fall under the provision called “Stand Your Ground”?