The go-to response when someone calls out a Republican for explicitly supporting white supremacy is often to point out that Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK in the 1940s, as if one now-dead Democrat’s past sins were more relevant in 2022 than what Republicans are saying and doing right now.
Well, come on, everyone knows that the Democrat party is the real racist party… /s
It was called the “Unite The Right” Rally. You’d think if someone is actually using the same name as the Tiki Nazi Rally in Charlottesville, an average citizen, let alone a politician, should know enough to recognize the nazi.
Yup. Heard her switch to the emotional yet meaningless plea within the first three words of the sentence. It’s also the point where she decides to openly declare her nazilivesmatter campaign strategy.
And if one does get caught at a Nazi rally truly unaware, immediately upon realizing this would be a great time to admit to the mistake.
Democrats: Why do you think the Klan is enthusiastically supporting your candidate?
Republicans: Oh, you should talk! Don’t you know the Democrats were the party of the Confederacy?
Democrats: Sure, back in the 19th and early 20th Centuries. But the guys waving Confederate flags now are all on your side.
Republicans: That’s because there’s nothing racist about that flag! The Confederacy was about about states’ rights, not slavery!
Democrats: But you just said…
Republicans: And there’s nothing racist about loving white people!
Sadly, I see absolutely unironic comments like this all the time on the more conservative local papers’ comment boards…Most recently today in response to a story about a survey of people of color and their trust in police reform.
It’s an article of faith on the right that some Black conservatives work to encourage and give cover for. It’s also a lie, of course and has been since the Johnson administration, if not before.
“I mean, just because I hang out with Nazi’s and speak at their events… This whole “guilt by association” thing that the mainstream media does to conservatives…”
Um… Sometimes we are judged by the company we choose to keep. Sorry.
I have had this similar thought for years in my mind when trying to answer the question of why it seems white/light skin folks seem more likely to lean towards far right behavior.
Just not clever enough to articulate it.
The closing question might be,
Now that you know (because I’m telling you right now) that he’s a white supremacist,
will you ever speak again at same rally as Nick Fuentes?
More reporters like this guy please, but I’m actually worried if he still has a job or not.
Well Trump became president and he is a terrible liar despite lots of experience.
Minor translation for clarity:
Janice McGeachin
Well, again, this, this, this movement is so much bigger than one individual. Who cares what Joseph Goebbels has to say? Who cares? There’s 1000s, and 1000s of young conservatives (Nazis) all across the country (adherents of Joseph Goebbels and drawn to an event he organized) that are very concerned, and about what’s happening to our country. We are fighting for the soul of our nation, with these wide open borders. It’s only a matter of time, that America, we lose who we are as a free country. And so I’m not going to run away. I’m not going to hide from being, being willing and wanting to go talk to young conservatives (Nazis, who are adherents of Goebbels, attending an event he organized, that I freely chose to speak at) about these issues."
Yes, that was a pretty blatant endorsement of the “White Replacement” theory.
Conservatives: Obama went to a church with an activist preacher thirty years ago, and had a vague association with Alinsky. He is clearly a dangerous radical.
Also Conservatives: it is unethical for you to associate me with the White Nationalists I spoke to, posed with, and took money from last week.
Open borders define our soul and who we are. Just ask the big green lady up in New York.
Yep. If you’re willingly standing in a room with 9 Nazis, there are 10 Nazis in that room.
Yeah, I so wish there were more follow-ups like that. It turns it from a kind of “gotcha” style of reporting to more of a “what are your values?” style. And puts them on the record of picking a side having been publicly given all the information.
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