Originally published at: Watch: In 1996, George Carlin outed the "pro-life" GOP for what they really are | Boing Boing

Originally published at: Watch: In 1996, George Carlin outed the "pro-life" GOP for what they really are | Boing Boing
Unfortunately a lot of his jokes along those lines just come across as more misogyny now. For example, he had a bit about Dan Quayle that ended thusly:
And where did he get that wife of his? Have you taken a good look at that Marilyn Quayle?
Where did he get her, at a Halloween party or something? She looks like Prince Charles for Christ sake!
Let me ask you something, does he actually have to fuck that women! Huh?
God help him, I wouldn’t fuck her with a stolen dick!
I have this CD!
They aren’t pro-life. They are forced-birth.
And anti-women, in general.
To be fair, they are pro-women-staying-in-the-kitchen. /s
God I miss George Carlin
Unfortunately a lot of his jokes along those lines just come across as more misogyny now.
Carlin did end up getting pretty damn mean in his later years, to be honest. Not that I really blame him, dealing with looking at society’s ugly side for comedic material for that long would do that to just about anyone.
And they’ll do anything to win this holy war…
except pay a living wage that would even allow for that as a choice. As a forced option, they are also proceeding to push down even a large majority of their “straight white Xian [FTFY] fertile marriage[s]” right into poverty. Because that’s the OTHER place they want everyone to be; paycheck to paycheck, taking loans to CYA that grow to own your soul. Company store y’all!
Seems to be a typo here. It says 1996 was 26 years ago when in fact it was…oh my God I’m old.
Yeah, I’d forgotten that Carlin was dead.
The GQP HATES Carlin’s routines. They disparage his lack of education and try to ignore his frequently on-point observations about the rich and conservatives.
I miss him.
1996 was 26 years ago
I can relate; perpetually in my mind, the 80’s were ‘only 20 years ago…’
So often I think “I wish Carlin and Hicks were still here to give it to this shit” but you know what? They already covered it all back then. It’s the same shit, x100 but not changed
only 20 years ago… ’
Yep, that 20 years seems like 30+ years.
It’s okay… we’re all old here…
Constrained is enough.