WATCH: Louis C.K.'s SNL monologue on racism, child molesters, Israel vs. Palestine

Yeah that was in the tv series. I thought that one was in bad taste, I didn’t think the insight was anywhere near enough of a payoff. This bit on SNL was hilarious though.

Actually my biggest problem was the Israel-Palestine material. The jokes themselves were spot on, but the lead-in repeated the idiotic trope that it’s a thousand year old conflict. I can’t begin to express how destructive that idea is, and how it’s not remotely grounded in anything resembling reality. For something coming of a comedian, it’s admittedly more of an eyeroll thing than anything else.


I just came here to say that… No, actually Jews and Muslims have not been killing each other for 1000 years… Pure bullshit cooked up by assholes who have no interests in ending the gravy train that is that war. funnily enough, I found this to be the most offensive part of the routine.


This. And for me, the characterization, if I heard it right, of Palestinians as merely and forever “crazy.” Instead of desperate and worse, because of how Israel continues to abuse, steal from, and kill them. Yay for the anti-racism bit, mild as it was, but his politics on this issue seem fucked up.


Maybe not almost everyone has them.

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Yeah, I hear ya. While there has been conflict for a long, long time, it hasn’t been this particular one until recently.

The same jokes about conflict could be leveled against Manifest Destiny, the viking invasion of england, Japan vs. China, etc. I don’t find the jokes offensive per se, but they do perpetuate stereotypes.


You just need to listen to more Lady Gaga, robulus (hmm, and don’t we all):
I’m beautiful in my way
'Cause God makes no mistakes
I’m on the right track, baby
I was born this way

There’s apparently some substantial evidence that they are (note: I don’t have it handy so ignore if applicable), which is extremely troubling if true.

Agreed; it doesn’t make pedophilia morally justifiable (or really, gives any moral justification whatsoever to any in-born traits), but let’s expand this. (not directed at you specficially but building off your comments)

Let’s assume tomorrow that you wake up a pedophile, through no fault of your own. Universal lottery and you won the pedo ticket. Every time you see a little kid you start sweating and crazy thoughts run through you head. Let’s assume that you’re not Charles Manson and that you’re a rational normal human being aside from the new kiddie lust.

Now you can’t tell anyone about this, because if you were to even hint at it, you would be an immediate social outcast and pariah. Can you imagine the insane stress that this would put you under?

Loop that in with the idea that pedophilia might be a genetic predisposition and it’s a terrifying thought (if true, again) that there are likely a large number of folks out there who are hiding these feelings and under an indescribable amount of stress from it.


What is ‘this particular conflict’? (I don’t know much about this, so please indulge my ignorance.)

I found it rather “meh”. Not a fan.

Not the controversial part.

It’s not necessarily the Jews and Palestinians that’ve been fighting eachother for millennia, but that the region itself has been in conflict as long. Usually over land and God.

Israel and Palestine. The history, borders, actors are historically messy. I certainly don’t understand all of it. But the current conflict between Israel and Palestine is what, 80 years old at most? Not a 1000 years, like Louis said?


Funny. Definitely not “too far”. You can’t be “safe” with your comedy and be a professional comedian. At least, not for very long. Getting outside people’s comfort zones is essential.


Except for me? I’ll take all the Mounds bars! Send them to me!!

More like the source-less innuendo on the street. All of it I’ve seen is anonymous, 2nd/3rd hand stuff. Gawker trying to drum something substantial up by reporting them. Might of course be completely true, but there seems very, very little hard (ha!) evidence.

Yeah, it’s a brilliant, brilliant scene. We always need to remind ourselves that even trying our best sometimes misses the mark.

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He lives in Manhattan - that extra bedroom would cost him between $300k and >$750k depending on where exactly he lives.

Louis CK has gone farther than that. He is the most cerebral comedian out there and talks about existential issues that other comedians don’t even get close to. And he’s not afraid to say anything in this age of outrage. Gotta admire that.