Originally published at: Watch: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Trump, and Tucker Carlson spout KKK talking points word for word | Boing Boing
They’ve never been especially subtle about it. If they weren’t all on the same side the KKK could probably sue for trademark infringement.
Tired: Talking about GOP members as RepubliKKKans
Wired: Referring to TuKKKer KKKarlson
When the Tuckster says “Native-born Americans…”
The self-fulfilling prophecy of the white supremacist: be such an irredeemable asshole that everyone else would in fact enjoy seeing you replaced by an immigrant.
Right though!? People whose whole identity and cause is self-victimization and rage but still want absolute authoritarian control over others. Is that what they call vulnerable narcissism?
How about FoKKKsNews?
" Watch: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Trump, and Tucker Carlson spout KKK talking points word for word"
I will take your word on that. None of them are worth my time.
Its an admission that these Neo-Nazi chucklefucks consider themselves worthless as people. Those so lacking in value in our society that they can be easily replaced.
8. The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”
Man, Umberto Ecco’s list of 14 traits of Ur-Fascism is always on point.
Intolerance of intolerance is not intolerant; It’s calling a spade a spade.
But please lord, dont call them racists. They are “Racialists” which according to David Duke is a whole different thing.
So if white people are now being treated like second-class citizens, how does that imply white people have been treating POC until now?
The Republicans do seem to like a few different flags though.
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