Originally published at: Video shows how MAGA politicians and Tucker Carlson are totally in line with KKK and David Duke talking points | Boing Boing
This has been going on for a while but at least when Ronald Reagan attracted the enthusiastic support of white supremacist groups he had enough tact to publicly denounce them.
The worst Republicans of yesterday would lose their primaries today for not being cruel enough.
Not to mention they’d be denounced for their “socialist policies.”
It’s be nice when the corporate media acknowledges what’s obvious to the rest of us about these Nat-C’s
Hard to imagine that the KKK was created in opposition to the Republican politics after the first Civil War. Unlike the KKK, the Republicans have chanced since.
Of course, this instantly comes to mind.
[When Wokes and Racists Actually Agree on Everything - YouTube]
Why is it hard to imagine? Observing the shifts in policies and priorities of political parties in just my lifetime makes it very easy to believe.
They are re-importing more of this crap:
Warning about “mixed race” diluting white blood and mongrel races is straight up Nazi (Or, these days, Nat-C) rhetoric and needs to be called out as such.
Pure Bred
I tried to watch the video, but I only got halfway through before the sound of my rage vomitting drowned out Tucker Carlson.
Gross racists say gross racist things in the name of their magical white dude in the sky (who happens to be a dark skinned jewish man???). I bet if you lit a match in front of their mouths they’d breath a fireball from alll the gasoline they’re swilling.
“The Democrats are the party of the Ku Klux Klan”-- Ted Cruz
Jesus, this deliberately dishonest talking point just won’t die.
To steal and a line I saw on one of the socials:
“They sound the same for the same reason Miley Cyrus sounds like Hannah Montana”.
That is classic, and painfully true.
“The will be no native-born Americans left” says a non-native American.
Immigrants have children who are born in America and those children will grow up to have children who will be born in America. It’s what the Carlson family did.
This is what makes it amusing when the cons call it out as the “party of Lincoln”. Uh, not any more.
FYI, the “mongrel” looks like a purebred Australian Shepherd.
Of course, the Aussie Shepherd breed was probably a mongrel before being officially recognized, so that actually fits quite well with pointing out how ridiculous the whole “purebred” thing is…
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