Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/09/03/watch-new-wave-tv-commercial.html
My eyeballs can taste the sugar.
That ad was better than Hawaiian Punch deserved.
It sounded very true to the Mothersbaugh feel, but then the people dancing just killed it for me.
Punch it, Punch it Good.
Mark Mothersbaugh has always taken joy from using commercialism as a part of the DEVO philosophy.
Many years ago, I was working with Swiffer on an ad campaign and the brand manager had the idea of using “Whip It” in a commercial with the words changed to “Swiff it! Swiff it good!”. We all cringed and groaned but were pretty confident that DEVO would tell P&G to F off. Much to my surprise, Mark Mothersbaugh said he’d be delighted to personally record the track, because he saw re-purposing “Whip It” for floor cleaners as a part of the de-evolution of society.
Bow down before the one you serve. You’re going to get what you deserve.
Money for nothing, Hawaiian Punch for free.
Truly a wonderful thing! I’m using this for inspiration for my next MCC RPG game.
What’s the hairstyle-equivalent of carbon dating?
Measuring the thickness of the hairspray/mousse/gel/pommade coating the strands.
Sounds like Twitch era Ministry, with a vocoder added.
Good catch!
Come to think of it, VHF* is probably also a good measure.
- Vertical Hair Factor
I came to say the same thing. ha. Makes you wonder about that thing where people unintentionally plagiarize others… like you start playing a rif and it sounds good, not realizing it sounds good because you heard it before. The old “My Sweet Lord” thing. Or it could be a total coincidence.
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