Watch: Now some Republicans even want the bible banned

I wonder what the Venn diagram is of this set of people, and those that constantly talk about the Constitution, but seem to know little about it (as in, they think it sets America up as a “Christian nation” and so on…LOL).


I will have to add it to the list, thanks. I cannot buy/acquire any more books at the moment. During Covid, it’s gotten quite ridiculous and my wife is giving me side-eye at the piles of books by the bed, on the dresser, scattered throughout the house on various surfaces, as well as my office (every available surface). It’s starting to look almost like a hoarding situation rather than bibliophile situation.

I’ve been trying to read some in a more focused fashion - I probably have dozens of books I’m “in progress” on - if only to give them away to friends/co-workers/family or the library just to declutter. :slight_smile:



LOL, took me a minute there. :slight_smile:


I’d like to get around to reading both this and The Graphic Canon trilogy.

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Yeah, but the story of the psychopath who almost murders his son because the voice in his head tells him to is preached all the time.


I’ve always liked this: “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.”

When some particularly strident Christian tells me they should not have to keep their religion at home or in their churches (which they often phrase as being “in the closet”, which is such a weird way of phrasing this since nearly every politician ever is rewarded for wearing their Christianity on their sleeve), but they should be shouting it from the rooftops (in government buildings, really), I bring that up: you do know that your own text tells you to pray in your closet, don’t you?


Nat Turner has entered the chat…


Not a lot of film noir and anime in Latin to pick from. Still, there’s the famous translation of Winnie the Pooh and more recent kids’ books, including the first Harry Potter book, besides the bible and poetry.

Oh, those awkward days. I remember a girl using the Bible as a subtle (well, not) clue when she was saying “I just want to know you better” (with nudge-nudge wink-wink emphasis on the word know, and an eye-waggle to boot). My friend who overheard, clued me in on the Biblical meaning later. I think she thought I rejected her because I was - and am - very clueless at times. Usually the worst of times.

Others were more direct, lol - I remember one girl getting a screw and holding it out to me and asking “do you want a screw?” and another time a girl came up and asked me “voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?” - in the first case, I thought she was just messing with me, and in the second, I repeated the phrase back in English and she turned beet-red and ran back to her gaggle of friends who were already giggling.

That phase is sooo awkward. If she was hitting on you, she chose a clever way of doing it…


True enough. Those are more firmly rooted in copyright, though.

In case you’re not familiar with Clozemaster, it’s a flashcard site. With better maintained languages, like french, you can get a “Fast Track to Fluency” course, which introduces vocabulary according to word frequency, “de” towards the beginning “anxiolytiques” towards the end. With latin, it’s “Random”, which might limit it’s inherent usefulness.

Along the same lines, Latin is one of the shortest duolingo courses, teaching you how to deal with drunk parrots, wrathful gods, and when to throw your fish onto the floor.


It’s like where they even now seem not to understand that the problem with Donald bragging about sexually assaulting women was not that he used the word “pussy”. Like no one would be complaining if he had only said “her swimsuit area”.

Such a weird puritanism…


i believe you on this. i live in texas, home of rambo jesus and full of so-called “christians” who call you a “cuck” and a “communist” if you read them actual passages from the new testament.


This. Even Jesus doesn’t say that the Bible is all literal truth. He says it’s all useful for teaching, which Jews listening to him at that time would have interpreted exactly this way.

It’s a mixed-genre anthology written by many different authors over several centuries. Some of it is meant to be theology, some isn’t. If you want to understand it, you have to be willing to put some real work into reading it actively and with the aid of a large heaping of historical context to flesh out all the stuff the original authors didn’t bother to say because everyone knew it (at the time). Unfortunately, way too many modern evangelicals read it (if at all) expecting it to have as much depth as “Elmos’s First Book of Colors”.


I’ve never read the Bible in my life, and even I would immediately know what they were referring to. It’s so weird that many people who supposedly base their entire belief system around this book know less about it than some rando atheist who never really found it interesting enough to study. They’re brainwashed into believing it as children, then never question it or even feel that they should take a close look at it, for their entire lives. Just unbelievable.

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The thing I heard was that the story of Lot and his daughters was put forward by one Jewish tribe to disparage another (basically as political propaganda) and later gets fossilized in the Torah. (It’s not supposed to be normal that Lot was sleeping with his daughters— the way, say, slavery is normalized.) Hundreds/Thousands of years later, people with no knowledge of the context have to pick up the pieces and make sense of this “religious” text.


I’m not religious and can’t quote random Bible passages at the drop of a hat (except maybe Ezekiel 25:17) and I can pretty much guarantee that I probably know more about the Bible than most of these chucklefucks.

Maybe they should actually read the New Testament and try to be a bit more like the J-man they claim to worship.


That’s the great thing about J-man, though. You can just kind of make him up as you go along.


