Originally published at: Watch odd gentleman with a football for a head rob a convenience store | Boing Boing
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Just wanted to say that I love how you guys have been use the word “gentleman” to refer to people doing things of questionable intelligence or utility lately.
That’s a common BB and BBS trope.
Arnold always seemed like such a kind guy, and I’m very sorry to see him turn out like this. I wonder what ended up happening to Helga.
Maybe performance art? Chester Gould was from Oklahoma. No doubt this was a heartfelt homage to some Dick Tracy villain.
“Gimmie all your money! You better hurry up before I spiral into violence! Hand it over nice and easy so I don’t fumble it. I should pistol whip you for being slow, but this time I will let it pass. Hurry up and sack up the money! After this I am going to run deep into the night and they will never catch me! I’m sure you want to kick me end over end and punt me out of here, but I ain’t leaving with out the money! Man, how much are your Swisher Sweets? Talk about a price hike! Hurry before the cops come and tackle me. And make sure you get all of it, I don’t want to be running back here for the rest. Wait, I shouldn’t leave you with nothing, here is a quarter back. Stay behind the counter! I don’t want to find you offsides! Don’t you try to touch me, I’m not down with that! This is a lot of money, I was worried I’d leave here deflated! Go Chiefs!”
Football shaped head, you say.
Proof of the Pigskinfoot cryptid!
I wonder if we could make that go viral?
I’ll take “what is Herschel Walker going to do next?” for 200, Alex.
Armed robbery teaches life’s fundamentals.
I don’t like the football-head guy. If someone wearing a Lemonhead mask showed up, however, I’d let him have a free run of the candy aisle.
Came for this. Disappointed it took 10 posts to get to it. To be clear, I’m definitely not disappointed in BB.
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