Ah, so he was. I guess I just mentally lumped him in with the other steroid-fueled governor who once fought the Predator.
No shortage of WWE wrestlers running for office these days, it seems.
Ah, so he was. I guess I just mentally lumped him in with the other steroid-fueled governor who once fought the Predator.
No shortage of WWE wrestlers running for office these days, it seems.
If you couldn’t bring yourself to vote for Joe Biden over Donald Trump in 2020 when the very existence of liberal democracy was at stake just because you “don’t trust the Democrats” then maybe you should shop around elsewhere if you’re looking for a sympathetic ear.
I’ve been horribly misunderstood here.
You literally just said that Hillary Clinton was the only Democratic candidate you ever voted for.
No, that’s true. It’s just the concept I am trying to explain isn’t getting through.
If that’s true, then I think the concept might be getting through just fine, we just disagree with it.
OK, so you said this
What is your point here, in this passage?
Are we supposed to care about abortion and gay marriage being legal, or not?
No, I think you’ve been communicating your position just fine. The hostility you’ve been met with here isn’t based on a failure to convey your position, it’s based on a difference in values between yourself and most other people on this forum.
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