Happens I own a pair of slippers that can barely be told apart from these. Western Chief brand; they’re on sale for $18.98 at Amazon right now. MyPillow wants $115.98, but you can enter a promo code for a steep discount. Anyway I’d bet they are from the same Chinese factory.
I’d be slightly surprised if Lindell weren’t paying Rudy for these. Rudy is pathetic, yes, but he’s desperate for money and this doesn’t strike me as the kind of thing Rudy would do unless cash were involved. Yes, Trump stopped paying Rudy at some point (like he does all other employees and contractors), but I think Trump had paid Rudy at least some of the money they’d agreed on and Rudy still expected to get paid. (Sucker.)
Assuming he is getting paid, I suspect this is the most honest job Rudy has had in a long time. If not ever.
If he’s not getting paid, it’s one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever seen.
He was only adjusting his mic! Which happened to be in his under crackers…
Damn, I had put money on him hawking a more permanent hair dye.
Well, HWSNBN is claiming that he will be ‘reinstated’ as POTUS by August, so there ya go…
Some day it really does feel like this is the obvious answer.
I guess we could thank Andy Kaufmann for Sacha Baron Cohen’s infiltration.
Don’t they make crystal vases, drink- and serving ware?
A rocksteady classic! T’ank you, mon.
Imagine if Giuliani had retired from politics after being Mayor.
It’s no more depressing than the BB Store, if I"m honest.
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