Originally published at: Watch teen's close encounter with seagull on slingshot ride at amusement park | Boing Boing
At least the seagull hit something soft.
Reboing from last Thursday:
An excellent comparison between performative “look how loud I can screech” fear and actual wide-eyed “WTF is happening” fear.
If we’re going to repost the same story, I’ll repost my same response.
Real Talk: This is could have gone wrong very easily.
You may have heard about the one where Fabio was injured on Apollo’s Chariot in Bush Gardens: Williamsburg in 1999.
Later in an interview, Fabio states that it wasn’t the bird that hit him directly. Bird hit the mounted camera, and the camera debris cut his face. I know there’s an air of comedy when this story is mentioned, but this is a very real safety issue that is preventable.
The ride was a “Hypercoaster” meaning it passes the 200ft tall mark. While the camera rig isn’t normal, the lack of bird remediation on the attraction was an outstanding oversight. Even without a camera rig, you still have the same problems.
The video link is highlights of Fabio doing promotions for the attraction, going on the ride, and returning with a bloody nose. It does not include footage of the impact.
Never knew you got black-headed gulls ( Chroicocephalus ridibundus) in the US
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