Watch telephone poles fall into the street while cars drive in Baltimore storm (video)

Originally published at: Watch telephone poles fall into the street while cars drive in Baltimore storm (video) | Boing Boing


“This is damage that if you worked in electric distribution at BGE for your entire career, you may see it once (up until now)."


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Im assuming many of these folk were heading to work because they had to come in despite the terrible weather

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Heading home I believe (I think it was yesterday afternoon, we were getting weather updates from the office around then).


I’m amazed that the occupants of every trapped car knew not to get out and run around. That’s a perfect situation for someone not thinking to get electrocuted. Well done, folks.


telephone utility poles… those are power lines.


I dunno about Baltimore but the federal government allowed people to go home early in anticipation of this storm in the DC area. DC and Baltimore get pretty much the same weather.


“All employees must depart no later than 3:00” was the directive. Rather urgent sounding right?

Here in NoVa we got hammered too.


Viral marketing from the underground cable cabal.

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I heard from someone working remote that a coworker in the office said they were going door to door through the office kicking everyone out. Presumably, they wanted everyone gone before they assumed power would go out.

Least anyone worry about government workers getting a free few hours off, they were only approved leave for the time it took to commute home. They were expected to work remotely to finish out the day then.

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Climate officially declares war, Strategically starts with infrastructure.


It’s getting very expensive.

The last several storms to roll thru NoVa have downed hundreds of trees, power lines and damaged homes, cars and property to the tune of millions of dollars. In the before time there might be at the most two major events in the Summer not including hurricanes. Now, they are almost weekly and August has barely begun.

Infrastructure costs almost always end up being paid for by customers. Yay.



“Can’t do anything about it, babe.”

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