Watch the thrilling trailer for the new Tina Turner documentary

Originally published at: Watch the thrilling trailer for the new Tina Turner documentary | Boing Boing


giphy 2


Since i was a kid i’d always been into Tina Turner’s music, and later in life when i learned about her past as a survivor of abuse i really admired her. It’s been a long time since i’ve listened to her music but watching the trailer brings back a lot of emotions, she’s such an inspiration and a god damn bad ass.


I saw Ike and Tina and the Ikettes sometime in 1971 or 1972 after I got out of college, but I’ve done a dive into the concert archives and I can’t find any record of them coming to Kansas City, Mo or Lawrence Ks, during that time. Either my memory is faulty (not impossible since LSD and a cute hippie girlfriend were involved) or they just picked up a concert date on their way to and from another event.

I do have a strong memory of standing right in front of the outdoor stage and watching all those great legs dancing just above my eye level and giant speakers blowing my eardrums to mush, so either I have a vivid false memory or…who knows what happened?


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