Watch the trailer for Buzz Lightyear's origin story!

Why does my brain want to read the title as, “Lighty Ear”; I mean, it doesn’t even make sense. :thinking::thinking:

Aside from that, the animation looks really cool.

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High atop the Yakk-a-toe-me Plaza, blue-collar hero, Fred McFlintstone, finally corners the villainous Hans Schiefer, “Yabba-dabba-doo, motherfucker!”


That’s… basically Ace Rimmer, dimension-jumping and everything. What a rip-off.

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You make an interesting point. My counterpoint would be that we’re not seeing the TS universe as it “is” when we watch Toy Story, we’re seeing it through the filter/lens of our own technological limitations. Like talking to a person on a poor connection might make them sounds scratchy and broken up, but they aren’t really scratchy and broken up, they are speaking perfectly normally.

Now our tech is better, so we can see into the TS universe in more fidelity. This happened with TS 3 and then it happened AGAIN with TS 4. No-one is walking out of the sequels asking why Andy never said anything calling attention to the fact that his world got measurable more attractive.

But, I am tickled by your idea that yeah it would be funny to imagine people in a low fidelity world watching high fidelity movies.


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