Watch the world's highest bungee jump by a car

Originally published at: Watch the world's highest bungee jump by a car - Boing Boing


Once again, I am forced to

No Way Do Not Want GIF by Schitt's Creek


One has to ask the question “Why?” It says more about the bungee cords than about the car. Did putting that much effort into a publicity stunt like this say anything laudable about the company? At this point, the Guinness Book of World Records is squarely aimed at six-year-olds. Don’t they have a policy now about promoting dangerous stunts? Maybe they’ve decided that they need to be Red Bull. Frankly, I’d rather own a car which won’t allow me to drive over a cliff under any circumstances.


Now do it with a Cybertruck!


“…for the attempt to be successful both car and rope had to remain intact…”

The driver? Mehhh!

Apparently 540ft, in a convertible, with a national sporting treasure.


A friend who was an avid skydiver (1000+ logged jumps) gave a firm Nope to bungee jumping in general. “If my main chute fails, I’ve got 20 to 30 seconds to cut free and deploy the reserve. That’s a lot of time. If the bungee cord fails, there’s no backup and I can see from the platform exactly which rock my head is going to hit.”


Big loud NOPE! Materials fail and even the greatest human engineers make mistakes. My mind would be filled with all of the things that could conceivably go wrong. I doubt if I could trust that bungee or extended crane with my own weight, even without the weight of the car.


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