Originally published at: Watch these giant power station cooling towers get demolished | Boing Boing
Should qualify for a world record as the largest smoke rings. Cool to watch.
Reusing the towers for something would’ve been cool, maybe repairs and upkeep of the structures would’ve been expensive? I dunno but i do enjoy when structures like these are reused for unexpected things.
The dust was deemed safe to breath by the Gov. & the THEY too.
Forget dronecams, football cameras are better: https://twitter.com/Urban_Pictures/status/1401493587607621639
The way those are designed that’s not really feasible… it’s just a very thin hyperbolic shell that supports itself and can withstand the wind, and that’s it.
They make good amusement parks, though:
I’m confused. Which gender is indicated by light brown?
residential use? i wouldn’t live on that land for the low low price of free.
Recording studio?
Cool. Not as cool as this magic trick though:
John Lenahan’s famous Vanishing Cooling Towers - YouTube
Torture chamber?
Filmed in a disused cooling tower at the Croydon B power station (now the site of an IKEA).
Shouldn’t it also be tough enough to take the weight of water coursing down the interior surface, and whatever it courses down within? They buckled funny enough that I’m convinced some rebar was thrown in at the extremes.
Also fun for sending strongly canted coins down the sides…
Any STEM nerds happen to know why they’re always that exact shape?
I know I could Google it, but why not ask BB instead
Weren’t we due for a sequel to The Abyss?