Watch this 1975 Japanese commercial for Ronald McDonald themed cups

Originally published at: Watch this 1975 Japanese commercial for Ronald McDonald themed cups | Boing Boing

we can’t have fun stuff like that in the US. any toy that shown moving in an ad must show that a child is moving or activating the toy. =(

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I like that they can be used as playing pieces for Rock Paper Scissors.

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This is a feature, not a bug. A friend of mine directed toy commercials years ago so I’ve seen a lot of them. I’m fine with advertisers not being able to sell toys by suggesting they do things they can’t do. A classic example was the “walking” doll shown strolling by herself down a country lane. True, there was a disclaimer. At the bottom of the screen, in teeny tiny pre-HD type, was the admission “Doll cannot walk.”

On a different subject, it’s funny how many Japanese commercials aimed at kids used a chorus of kids shouting and/or singing. It was almost a national tradition, like the low, growly Manly Man voice in American action figure commercials.


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