Watch this insane car vs. motorcycle road rage video

If escaping was his objective, all he had to to do was pull off to side. He had the fucker on video. He had the car’s plates. Endangering everyone else on the road to win some pissing contest was foolish. The car driver started it by trying to kill the biker. But that’s no excuse for recklessly endangering a dozen other motorists. The biker was hell bent on “winning” some imaginary contest of anger with the driver. They’re both lucky they didn’t get anyone else killed. The car driver deserves a year in jail and the biker deserves a few nights in jail and probation. There aren’t any victims to blame here. There’s an attempted murderer and an attempted manslaughterer.


So the biker should have made himself into a stationary target for the attacker who was trying to strike him with a 2,000lb weapon, and who was obviously not rational enough to care about consequences? Okay then…


No, he should have turned around and gone IN THE OTHER DIRECTION instead of weaving through oncoming traffic at full throttle to get ahead of the dumbshit trying to murder him for cutting him off. I know this is hard to grasp, but there are other people on a road and their safety isn’t suddenly forfeit because you’re pissed some dickless bald dipshit tried to run you off the road for cutting him off. If you really think the biker is blameless, then you don’t belong on the road.

I’ve ridden for sixteen years and never once have I felt the need to race one of those people with a one-ton weapon in the middle of traffic.


I’ve been riding motorcycles in traffic every day for more than twenty years.

Never been involved in a collision, never broken a bone or shed a drop of blood, only traffic infringement penalty in that time was a single ticket for 10km/h over the limit on an empty motorway (courtesy of a very well-hidden speedtrap).

I’m comfortable trusting my judgement of this situation.

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So breaking a mirror by punching is difficult, but he may have used something to help him, or may have struck it with the motorcycle itself. According to the article Gonzalez (allegedly) also use to run a website called “Messing With Cars”, which certainly doesn’t speak well for him. Plus, he claims that his is an “inexperienced rider”, yet he was willing to go well in excess of 100mph under stupid-crazy circumstances, when all he really needed to do was pull over and say “I’m really sorry, here’s my insurance information”.

The simple fact that the video is his own, but is clipped to not show the beginning of the incident, speaks volumes.


Would you have done what this biker did?

If your answer is yes, then you’re reckless. He escalated the situation with a violent murderer in the midst of traffic when he had a way to retreat and report the driver. The fact is that he wanted to win. Safety, his and everyone else’s, was irrelevant to him. This was pure testosterone. He wasn’t getting away, he was racing.

ETA: In an isolated incident with no other bystanders, I’d be completely in the biker’s corner. I’d have shot the driver pursuing me. But there were bystanders, and a shootout between motorists is as dangerous as a shootout between gunners.

Except see the video further up via @micah, also posted by the same guy:


I feel like your not watching the first video or just ignoring that the biker provoked the “attempted murder”.

It’s a crime of passion. The same as when a spouse or sweetheart finds his/her “beloved” having sexual intercourse with another and shoots or stabs one or both of the coupled pair. Eliminating premeditation lessen the homicide to manslaughter with no death penalty and limited prison terms. An emotionally charged jury may even acquit the impassioned defendant.

IMO, that’s a bloody cop-out. The driver tried to murder the biker over the biker basically cutting in line. The biker endangered a couple dozen lives trying to outrace the driver that tried of murder him. The emotional immaturity of either doesn’t lessen their crimes.


No it’s not right, but you can’t run around believing your actions don’t have repercussions. One day you cut off the wrong crazy and that’s your last.

You should watch the “How It Started” video then. The motorcyclist splits lanes at an intersection (illegal in FL according to others in the thread) and then doesn’t like getting passed by an already angry car driver and then goes over 100 mph to “stay in front.” Before you say he did nothing wrong, watch that video and tell me he’s a responsible upstanding motorcyclist.

I am not saying he deserves to DIE for these infractions, which is a thing that could have happened given that crazy ass car driver, but I don’t have a problem with the misdemeanor for his conduct at that intersection.


I’m a cyclist and biker. I know it’s not fair. But when I have options, I will never recklessly endanger the lives of the other motorists no matter how angry I am, and believe you me I’ve had occasion to be royally pissed at some drivers. But I don’t risk the lives of bystanders because someone tried to end mine. It goes against the manly grain to retreat from someone trying to off you, but when the lives of innocent bystanders are on the line, it’s the honorable thing to do.


Both those idiots need to go to jail.

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I think that video may have triggered some PTSD. I went through a very similar situation as that guy on the bike once. My encounter started much the same but quickly escalated. I guess the most obvious difference was that I was trading gunfire with the car’s driver. And I was only wearing underwear for some reason. I managed to escape finally by gunning it down an alleyway and hitting a jump at the end that launched me over several buildings (in slow mo). Unfortunately the landing killed me but the healthcare near me is pretty good so after forking over a few hundred bucks I was revived and released a few hours later.

So yeah, I know what this guy went through. Except for the getting arrested part. That never happens for some reason.


I don’t know what the best way to get away was, but the time spent in the oncoming traffic lanes really bothers me. That’s a good way to kill a bunch of third parties - it just takes one surprised driver swerving to avoid the guy in their lane, closing at maybe 150 miles an hour relative speed (or more!), to rack up a five-car conflagration.

Also: the motorcyclist’s claim that he’s not an experienced rider seems awfully fishy. He certainly seems awfully good, and awfully confident, at high speed with a lot of maneuvering around other vehicles. If he is lying about this, do we have to take more seriously the allegation that he used to post videos of himself trying to “mess with” car drivers?

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Off the road. Into a gas station, drive way, a yard. The one place I wouldn’t go is on coming traffic.

Hahah. One doesn’t have to be experience to be confident and ballsy. It only looks like he knows what he’s doing because he didn’t screw up.


Yeah: if he had crashed, we wouldn’t have seen the video.


He is 25 which explains a lot of the stupid.


Seriously, the biker should have pulled over? In an insane country where you have guns everywhere? Nuh-uh.

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Go with the lower risk assessment. You don’t know if he has a gun. You DO know he does have ~4000 lbs of steel and plastic that will definitely fuck you up if it makes contact. You also know if you screw up and hit one of the incoming cars at that speed you are going to wish you had been shot with a gun.