Watch this poor guy cut down a tree that crashes on his house

Plus, we don’t know what went on before the video started:
perhaps the porch had been viciously taunting the tree and the porch deserved it.


Lot of love for two repeated things in here.

  1. “It’s a big crane, I’m sure it can take the weight.”
  2. [conversation in German] “Fuck.” [carry on in German]

Well, I thought the shrug would be sufficient. :man_shrugging:


Wow. felling a tree is like Boy scout 101. Particularly when you account for all the places he could have harmlessly dropped it.

I said to a professional woodcutter that chainsaws scared the shit out of me. His reply was that I’d make a good student.


I’ve had exactly one tree felled at my house, and I filmed it because it was interesting. Why wouldn’t you film it?

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