Watch this weird clip of a driver who dozes off, almost wrecks, and then blames another car

Those two make gonzo road-trip porn together, I think.


A solid member of The Party of Personal Responsibility™, ladies and gentlemen.


Good to see Popeye gainfully employed as a Lyft driver after leaving the navy…


I wonder whey they were running.

There’s no fracking way I’d have taken off my seat belt while he was still behind the wheel.


This is one of my greater fears while doing long distance drives. Thing is it’s not just lack of sleep, on some of those desert stretches where it’s straight flat and nothing changes for hundreds of miles the road almost drops you into a hypnotic trance.


I’ve never driven desert highways like you describe, but this exact problem is the reason why the interstates are not straight. Even though sections seem straight they all have little bends here and there to help keep it interesting.


KInd of a perfect metaphor for US politics. A democrat, asleep in the passenger seem, oblivious to the damage the Party of Personal Responsibility is about to inflict and deflect onto some “other”, then is far too slow to contain the situation after he wakes up.


I’m guessing this is at least the 8th time this exact scenario has played out with them. Probably why the dash cam is in the car.


The great Emo Phillips.


I’ve never heard that highways are purposefully built with curves to keep people awake. That seems like a myth - much like the “one mile in five” must be straight so that planes can land in an emergency. Also a myth. Much more likely is that highways are routed where they are based entirely on geography and property easements.

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To avoid the re-enactment of the “driving to the spaceport” scene from Solaris, skip forward two minutes.

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Has anyone every figured out how a 15 min nap can restore a person so well? I’ve done it - and you are right - good as new for a number of hours more. It’s like resetting a clock almost.


£5 says the passenger put it there, after the driver had fallen asleep on previous trips and then denied falling asleep.
I just wish they’d videoed the driver’s reaction to being shown the video of them falling asleep.


This curves-to-keep-you-alert thing is often said of the German autobahn, but I’ve never heard it about US interstates. It can’t be true, as anyone who has driven through any part of California, Arizona, Nevada, or Texas knows.

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I vaguely remember something about the French cutting down some of the poplar trees that line their country roads. Apparently, low sun, shining through the regularly spaced trees, could produce a stroboscopic effect, causing drivers to fall in to a hypnotic trance. Removing trees at irregular intervals helped counteract this effect. If was either that, or else Phantom Hitchhikers caused them to crash.

We obviously have very different film watching habits :smiley:


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