Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/11/22/watch-hunter-trailer-a-new-j.html
This looks cool as hell and Peele gets an enormous benefit of the doubt, but…does Pacino do that voice the entire show?
I ain’t going to lie, I going to enjoy this one. Fu#k you nazis everywhere.
I still hate Illinois Nazis.
also in al pacino news this week
Huntin’ Nazis. It never gets old.
Roger That!
I’ve had it with these mutherf–ing Pachinos in these mutherf–ing movies!
Added to my watchlist - thanks!
I always wanted a Boys From Brazil series with the the further adventures of nazi hunter Yakov Liebermann. It looks like I got my wish!
OMG, yes, it’s soooo bad, it sounds like schtick.
You had me at Saul Rubinek.
Unfortunately because there are always new young ones.
Fixed that for ya!
Does “Archer” count?
To bad we know that they failed in the end.
Have the Neo-Nazis, Reich Wingers, Fox"News" addicts and other MAGA maggots started freaking out about this… yet?
They didn’t ‘fail’, and it’s NOT “the end”; it’s simply that freedom is never fully ‘won.’