Watch tribal people discover cheesecake

That’s the important bit.

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That is a revelation.

I know, right? What the fuck? It already sucks that such a broad, nondescript, othering term is being (mis)used by the YouTube channel, but it’s frankly bizarre that Devin perpetuates that misuse in his own headline.

There are so many different tribal societies in the world today, that the blanket word of the use 'tribal" is useless as a descriptor unless you’re using it as part of some sort of PT Barnum white colonizer nonsense “gawp at these strange and primitive brown people” bullshit. (And FWIW, there are plenty of members of tribal societies who are plenty familiar with cheesecake. And likely plenty of members of non-tribal societies that have never had cheesecake.)

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Weird. The vegan cheesecake I make as a staple for parties pretty much uniformly gets rave reviews that it doesn’t just compare to dairy cheesecake, but that it compares favorably to it. And back when I was using cheap tofu cream cheese. Cashew is deffo a creamier and richer protein, and makes for a yummier base for pretty much any non-dairy cheese or cream.

In that case I commend you on your impressive baking skills, but I was 100% in agreement with my kids on this one. The vegan cheesecake that we had simply didn’t compare to the real thing. Not by a long shot.

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