Originally published at: Watch US senator challenge Teamsters boss to a fist fight during Congressional hearing (video) | Boing Boing
how quickly and often that side resorts to violence. it seems like that is what they know.
Challenging a Teamster to a fistfight…there’s no bottom to the strata of Republican stupidity. Even better that O’Brien gave him an effective beat-down with words of reason.
In other GOP Congressional thuggery news…
But they sure do howl and whine when their Nazis get punched.
Guess I’ve misunderstood the movement all along. It isn’t the 1920s that are the goal. Apparently America was great when a duel decided the argument–like in the 1820s. Or jeez, how much further do we need to regress for these “everything I needed to know about Congress I learnt on the 4th grade playground after licking lead shot for lunch” clowns?
But listening to the fuckwit Senator read the Teamster guy’s Tweet, it seems like the Teamster guy asked for the fight in the first place. Two fuckwits does not make a wit, though (or something like that).
Sen. Bernie Sanders - “Will the Gentleman from Oklahoma please grow up?”
Toxic masculinity on parade!
It’s refreshing to hear Sen. Sanders step in, using his ‘Dad’ voice, to keep things under control.
The much-needed voice of sanity and decorum.
If Sen. Mullin would like to challenge Mr. O’Brien to a fight, he should email his challenge to:
Some people never really left high school…
What a fool.
this was o’brien’s post about mullin on the site formerly known as twitter:
Greedy CEO who pretends like he’s self made. In reality, just a clown & fraud. Always has been, always will be. Quit the tough guy act in these senate hearings. You know where to find me. Anyplace, Anytime cowboy.
though, fwiw: mullin is supposed to be senator. and senators are supposed to have some decorum.
the context i think, is that the two were also going at it the last senate hearing. (youtube link, if you like seeing grown men yell at each other.) and sanders was having to rein them both in then too.
you know, i’m fine with Joe, but once again i’m reminded that we could’ve had Bernie as President.
Plus, ya know, Hilary a few years before, with Bernie leading the HHS.
“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”
DAMN right.
Or the desperate.
People chortle at me when I warn of political violence. This is a minor example, but there is certainly one leaning that believes violence is perfectly fine, even entertaining & charitable.