Watch US senator challenge Teamsters boss to a fist fight during Congressional hearing (video)

Which is now entered into the official and permanent Congressional transcript.


Technically, it sounds like he was accepting a previously issued challenge from a teamster. Still very lacking in decorum and acting more like a drunk in a bar than a senator who is theoretically trying to do the people’s business in a hearing.

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… Bernie Bernie Bernie — sometimes you just gotta let an asshole get his ass beat :roll_eyes:


Either way, the sooner they destroy themselves the quicker we can get back to having our government try to improve the lives of average Americans, rather than having these assholes further entrenching the oligarchy.

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Long time ago, in an earlier instance of my career, I project managed trade show presences for the firm I worked at in the telecom sector…so shows like CTIA and 3GSM WC. For our US shows, most of the halls we worked at were union shops, and our booths (we’re talking 50’x50’ spaces) would be set up and torn down by Teamsters (they did everything but the electric). I learned very, very quickly to make sure they were never pissed off. I can’t imagine picking a public fight with the Teamster-in-Chief…not if I wanted to be long for this world.


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it’s the collateral damage that’s worrisome. in the house, for instance, the core group of christian fascists are actually a minority, but the gop infighting has elevated one of them to the speakership.

instead of letting the gop fight, we need to remove them from power.

for example: censuring mullin and/or removing him from his committees would show that the senate takes his actions seriously. not doing so lets the gop keep pushing further and further right, with more and more violence and threats of violence.


Christ! What a world we live in where Laura effin’ Ingraham is the voice of reason.




Are you sure it is the last one?

None of the video I’ve seen shows the lead up to the exchange They’re both already in full male challenge mode. That’s the entertaining bit, so that’s why that’s the clip they show, but I need context. I know that “he started it” wouldn’t excuse a threat of violence on either side, but who started it? $0.02

Entertaining? A U.S. senator threatened a physical beat-down of a witness testifying in the Senate. What prior information could possibly make you think that’s just funny rather than an attack on our institutions and ideals?


He liked to talk tough, but I’m pretty sure that the Senator was counting on someone like Sanders stepping in to “hold him back” before things actually got physical.


Addressing Tuesday’s incident, Oklahoma Senator Markwayne Mullin (R) told Fox News complained the society was so “woke” that fighting was now frowned upon.

During the hearing, Mullin got into a back-and-forth with Teamsters President Sean O’Brien, in which Mullin challenged him to a fight and O’Brien expressed his willingness to take him up on it.

During the Fox segment, host Sean Hannity asked Mullin why society has become so “woke” that it no longer allows people to settle their differences with fist-fights, to which Mullin replied that it’s due to “political correctness.”

“All of a sudden you got to worry about somebody’s feelings but oh, by the way, the left can say whatever they want,” Mullin said.


Bernie Sanders: You’re a United States Senator*

Citation needed*


I mean, if you’re not killing your co-worker for eating the last stale donut in the office kitchen, what are you even doing with your life?


I take your point - I didn’t mean to suggest that it’s humorous. I meant “entertaining” in the sense of “attention grabbing” in the minds of the peple editing the video. And I’m still morbidly curious as to who set it off.

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Meme Reaction GIF by Robert E Blackmon

Far too many people keep treating stuff like this like a WWE event rather than a serious breach of the work that needs doing up on capital hill. We have real problems right now that needs addressing and this shit that the GOP keeps pulling isn’t helpful…

there are plenty of things that are entertaining to watch… the collapse of our political class isn’t it…


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