Watch Wham's "Last Christmas", the second-worst Christmas song, in gorgeously remastered 4K

Worst is that Mariah Carey thing.
Wham’s is probably 10th after all the schmuck sentimental country-crossover crap that’s popped up in the past decade or two.

I was meh about Paul McCartney’s until @AbelardLindsay posted, now I like it.


I’d never really listened to it carefully before this year, it was just unobjectionable background music. Now I’m kind of obsessed – it is SUPER weird! The synth that feels like a slow descent into madness, the ominous laughter and chatter in the background towards the end, the clapping that comes and goes randomly, that high pitched crystalline drone… its entire construction speaks of mental processes utterly alien to me.

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Now that, I’ve heard.


“All I Want For Christmas Is You?” I like that song, but don’t remember hearing it until 2012 (a cover version on the CMA Awards IIRC), and my liking it might’ve had more to do with the specific circumstances when I heard it.

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When I saw Patton live a few years back, he did this routine about Christmas Shoes, but it devolved into apoplectic fits of hate-swearing, such is his loathing for the song :slight_smile:

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I think they’re doing it. Like those siblings from the Folgers commercial.


Same with me. Apparently the song wasn’t a big deal in the US upon initial release. I imagine one (or several) of the numerous cover versions brought the original song to US attention.

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It’s not so much the song that bother’s me about Last Christmas; it’s the lyrics. Now I have to add to my grudge the terribly feathered hair of the 80s in HD.

Yup, me too. It’s funny but incredibly heartfelt and beautiful.

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Have yourself a synthy little Christmas
Make the pitch decay…

:santa::mrs_claus::christmas_tree::snowflake::gift::snowman_with_snow: :metal:


I have seen Mannheim Steamroller live. I think I can live without them now.


They’re people!!!

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More like I have grown tired of the newage ( pronounced to rhyme with sewage ) synth thing.

I did have more than a few of their albums when I was a younger me.

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I found it very easy to outgrow most of ‘my’ synth… only because I wasn’t aware of the outgrowing process itself. Sort of snuck up on me.

Most of my school buddies didn’t outgrow it; I still can’t get them into Mission of Burma, or Robyn Hitchcock, or Verve.


Christmas Shoes is easily the worst and the P McC song isn’t far behind. Try listening to the guitar “solo.” It’s even stranger than the wet Atari 2600.

Elton John with Welcome to my Christmas Song… one of the very best. Makes me happy every time.

Finally, this one is gold:

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Mannheim Steamroller is the same guys who did CW McCall’s “Convoy”


Jesus, that’s… AWFUL.

I thought it was going to be Artoo bleeping and blooping through “We wish you a merry christmas, etc., and a happy new year”, but it’s some horrific original composition. I think you win!



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