'We all need the D,' claims adorably clueless Canadian ad campaign for Vitamin D

Why would that surprise you?
Didn’t one of our greatest modern philosophers teach us that the Russians love their children too,

However, I do notice a conspicuous lack of Underoos, so…


This is what the Urban Dictionary is for; explaining things that are too embarrassing to ask about.
(Of course, it doesn’t help when a seemingly innocuous phrase like “netflix and chill” becomes an innuendo without one realising. That one took me months to realise)


Even the youngs get tripped up by N&C.

(Coach Jim is the University of Michigan’s Jim Harbaugh, Murphy is a high school player he was ahem wooing.)

It depends… Could be LSD, PCP or smack, for example.
The real travesty is the pseudo-science behind the whole Vitamin D thing.
So much misinformation out there!

Also…‘Cause big D’s in your mouth is bad for your health’ - Ice Cube

Do tell.

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(“Solid dick” implausibly meant “straight talk” in this context)


Come on, next you’ll be telling me that Topgun isn’t about Tom Cruise’s character’s struggle with his own homosexuality. To be clear; that is the character ‘Maverik’ - not Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise is obviously and in no way gay.

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Something in cheek, anyway.

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I just thought it was an ad for coming out as an adult.

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Canada has run a TV show for years called “Mr D”

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Yeah, but it’s a sitcom on CBC—in other words, basically unwatched. :wink:

I can’t blame anybody who doesn’t make time for it - and I wanted to like it :frowning:


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