Wear a face mask in public to slow COVID-19, says CDC — 'I don’t think I’m going to be doing it,' says Trump

See my comment just above this. The fabric masks protect others, not you, by keeping respiratory droplets from being ejected with much velocity. The idea is not to protect you, and a beard won’t change that. For N95 level protection, you need a leak-proof seal, and that is not compatible with most beards.


@BobDobbs, @Hanglyman and others:


There is no evidence to suggest that a healthy individual can significantly reduce their risk of contracting the virus by wearing a face mask which covers the nose and mouth. According to the WHO, wearing a face mask in situations where this is not recommended can produce a false sense of security. This may cause individuals to neglect essential hygiene measures such as thorough hand hygiene. Face masks are only recommended for health care personnel who work in close contact with infected individuals or suspected cases; taking these precautions will also help protect patients.

As droplet infection is the main mode of transmission, it may be a sensible precautionary measure for individuals exhibiting the symptoms of respiratory infection to wear a mask which covers their nose and mouth (e.g. a surgical face mask) when in public. To optimize the effectiveness of this measure, it is important to ensure the mask’s proper fit (i.e. there must be no gaps between face and mask), avoid touching the mask or interfering with it while wearing it, and replace it with a new one as soon as it is damp.

Don’t get confused, just do it.

And use a self-made one, or one you already have. Don’t shop. Don’t steal, FFS. (Incredibly, this still happens.)

I wrote this before, in Asia people are used to wear facemask. It is a culturally accepted sight in the streets. Most of the time, it doesn’t help the wearer not getting infected.

But you might be a carrier without noticing. Infectiosity can start long before you feel symptoms. A week, even.

If you are infected, and talk to someone on a personal distance for more than 15 minutes, epidemiology already treats this as a high-risk contact. I don’t want to overstate this, but can you remember every single contact during the last week which lasted 15 minutes or more? Could you call all these people and convince them to self-quarantine immediately if you tested positive a week later?

If you can, wear a mask when going shopping and the likes.


Easy, no-sew style I used: http://blog.japanesecreations.com/no-sew-face-mask-with-handkerchief-and-hair-tie?fbclid=IwAR0YdvRaR-EgA3nBz4BNQuINEqH6gl26Mf5zwfmt-mx7yr35iar-JIJ1H2E I used a pillowcase to make two.



FTR, my partner just sent me this: Walkers (mother with two sons?) who seem to be talking about the senselessness of a distance of 1.50 meters: “The contact time must be at least a quarter of an hour, nonsense.”

See my post above: you expose people to a high risk when talking to them at a close distance (below 2 m) for 15 minutes. This does NOT mean that shorter contact is “safe”. It is just less unsafe. There is a trade-off. And right now, we need everyone to help, not to bicker.

We need to bring the numbers down. Break the chain. Help each other doing that.


Published YESTERDAY:


Respiratory virus shedding in exhaled breath and efficacy of face masks


We identified seasonal human coronaviruses, influenza viruses and rhinoviruses in exhaled breath and coughs of children and adults with acute respiratory illness. Surgical face masks significantly reduced detection of influenza virus RNA in respiratory droplets and coronavirus RNA in aerosols, with a trend toward reduced detection of coronavirus RNA in respiratory droplets. Our results indicate that surgical face masks could prevent transmission of human coronaviruses and influenza viruses from symptomatic individuals.

[Emphasis mine.]

ETA: if you are sick, WEAR A MASK if you have to go to the public and cannot avoid it. For example, on your way to the hospital.


I guess that’s what happens when Capitalism is fucking with folk. I’m sure they’d rather be safe at home, rather than being forced to commute by the only option available to them.


That is certainly a more pleasing, less bulky solution than my t-shirt method. Also, depending on the climate you are in, the shirt method holds in a good bit of heat, so that could be a comfort issue as well.


You could try a Shemagh.

They can be worn around the whole lower part of your face and tied under your chin. You can get a pretty good seal under your eyes and around your neck.

For extra protection wear two of them layered up.

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The movie “What’s so Bad about Feeling Good” might have had the right idea. Very strange movie, almost the opposite of what is happening in New York today.


He’s not going to wear a mask because his orange makeup would run all over it!


Get a Navy mask. All the Navy surgeons I met while an ORT at a veterans hospital had beards.


That’s what they’re saying now, but this incident made me want to veer on the side of caution:

The researchers also found that none of those passengers in the two buses who wore face masks were infected.

So, I mask up and am cautious of places with stale/recirculated air.


Oh, I know that (I even drew specific attention to it in a post a couple of days ago). But there is a level of two-way protection which is why I specifically said:

(emphasis added) in a follow-up post above. Even without a N95-level fitted mask, covering your mouth and nose improves your odds and may reduce the viral load if you are near a maskless Covid-19 cougher.


Better have him wear a ball gag during press briefings.


It could equally touch on his insecurity regarding his hair. Any pressure on his hairdo from the the two facemask straps will end up revealing a view to his sickly pink bald pate.


Grow the beard out really really thick. Then, just use the beard.


Off Topic, but perhaps excusable -

Anyone who has the resources to contribute to their local food bank should be doing that right now. You never know when you may need it yourself.

Anyone who is running out of food should find out where their local food bank is, and go there. No one should ever have to go hungry.

Most places have an umbrella organization that distributes to many local food banks. They work out agreements with wholesale distributors and others that make their funds go a long, long way. Food banks feed a lot of people for very little money per person. There’s no better bargain for your contribution to our common good. In Mexico it’s


In the U.S. go here to see the large regional umbrella organizations:


For global food bank info, there’s:


Good luck, everyone!


I like this idea and wish and I hadn’t just cut 4" off mine right before all this happened

Seriously though, I found an N95 industrial version in my toolbox at work I forgot I had for the last year, I only wear it when cutting graphite for EDM electrodes.

I debated shaving to get a proper fit- but then decided, if Im going to possibly die, I want a beard in my casket.

To any woman, person asking me to shave to save lives-

If the purpose of the mask sealing well to keep things out of me is cleanshaven, but the purpose of wearing one now is to stop spead of particles from me- the beard actually helps with that.

So my beard is fine I feel, even with N95 on. I have an actual cartridge respirator, which I wear when making iron pour molds for an artist’s blast furnace, which I am giving to my girlfriend who doesnt have a beard to wear.


Yet another use for duct tape!



I was talking with my Grand Daughter (who works at Home Depot) through the back door today, if they were still open.
“Yes, they are.”
Are you wearing a mask while working?
“No, I get in trouble if I wear one.”
“they don’t want to “create an atmosphere of fear”” she said using finger quotes.
“besides, the manager said if she gets the virus, it must be “god’s plan” and she’s fine with that”
Quit - right now, don’t go back there. I’ll support you financially if needed.

She’s 23 and in good health, so I’m not too worried about her, but this crap has to stop.