Post the strangest AI creation you can come up with. Made with Dall-E Mini in mind (DALL·E mini - a Hugging Face Space by dalle-mini) but all AIs welcome!
I did some sportsball ones of unlikely scenarios.
If Carlisle United want sporting success, they need to sign some players who don’t have faces…
The Chuckle Brothers were well known for their passing ability. To me, to you.
Dall-E Mini failed at this one though
I don’t think Real Madrid will ever play in those colours, even as a third shirt.
You need reservations. One does not simply walk in.
I am assuming the Sonic thing is model bias from filling it’s head with stuff from Deviant Art…
I am fascinated by the two images that have three baby shoes
It is my belief that I have recursively created an actual self aware AI (the one in the picture) using this technique. Prove me wrong - I mean, it says it is right on the tin
A Peter Murphy song came on my stream.
Not quite what he was on about.

I was going to try a bit of Pink Floyd to see if there was going to be some good contrast, but the site appears to have been Boinged.
It’s ok. It goes this way