Originally published at: Wendy's and Pringles join forces for a hybrid snack | Boing Boing
Wait, this isn’t Munch Squad?
Wengles? Prindy’s?
Sounds a bit new-fangled for me. I doubt I’ll try it, either, since Pringles is desperation food for me and the consensus is that other fast-food chains do a better chicken sandwich (which is why I suspect this product exists at all).
Pringles are a rare buy for me, especially since many of their flavors tend to add lactose for flavor. But the spicy chicken is my go-to whenever I’m talked into eating Wendy’s. Discovered my appreciation for the sandwich when I kept feeling sick to my stomach after eating the burgers at a spot on campus. Why did I keep going? Stupidity, social reasons, and the convenience of being able to use the credits on my ID.
I dunno about that but heads up on these delicious mofos.
I miss prawn crisps from living in the UK. Why can’t we get these where I live in the USA?
Prawn COCKTAIL crisps!
(It was weird to go to a crisps site and be asked to accept cookies!)
Surely that right there is a clear business opportunity!
That actually sounds like a great flavour for crisps!
I currently have a package of smoked paprika and almonds pringles, so this doesn’t seem too weird to me.
Fun fact about Pringles:
In a Pringle, original flavor has always been good enough for me, but I like the looks of those Lay’s Jerk Chicken flavor…
Hybrid? Or fusion?
20-ish years ago, my wife and I were on our honeymoon in the UK and found Curry-flavored Pringles. They were the bomb. Never seen them in the US, alas.
Yeah, those bad boys are pretty addictive.
Jut hit your local ethnic grocery store (Filipino ones are da bomb) and look for ‘shrimp chips’.
Why does Mr. Pringle look like he’s having a crippling bout of diarrhea?
Did they bring Olestra back?
I was expecting a Frosty flavored chip.
Unless they’re Walkers, it just ain’t right.