Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/08/20/wh-press-secretary-says-trump.html
I mean, it always was…
“The reason he called for the boycott was over MAGA. MAGA is pretty much unanimous with blue lives matter these days,” said White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany.
That tracks.
"“The reason he called for the boycott was over MAGA. MAGA is pretty much unanimous with blue lives matter these days,” said White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany. "
on so many levels…
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that someone from the administration can’t manage to properly use the word synonymous.
Excellent catch, and welcome to BBS!
It is so perfectly on brand. Welcome!
A promising first post! Welcome aboard.
In other situations I’d assume this was deliberate, like the Nigerian scammers or Prince Bush with his mispronunciations. We’re beyond that, though, and the morons aren’t only the audience but the performers, too.
Just don’t be disappointed, and you’ll be fine.
It doesn’t really matter what the slogan is.
Anything they put out there, at this point, would instantly become synonymous with white supremacy. That’s just how iconically toxic Trump has become.
I hate to say I agree with Nazi Barbie, but, well, this is where we are.
i took a road trip last week and saw a dispiriting number of blue lives matter flags - the very crowd who get so angry about burning flags has no problem desecrating it by drawing all over it.
i also saw they’re trying to drag fire fighters and other first responders into it with red and blue dashed lines on the flag ( maybe they haven’t noticed the flag already has red and blue on it? )
that part really gets me because it’s deliberately attempting to pull in groups that have nothing to do with policing in order to muddy the waters.
Seriously? They want to act like people are mad at fire fighters?
I swear they’ve perfected the art of deliberately trying to not understand what people are telling them.
it’s not like they can win their argument on the merits.
( and yeah, it’s infuriating. which mostly i imagine they find funny. )
make america great again was already white supremacist. It basically implied the country had been made ungreat by a black president.
And then there’s the “America First” slogan, a callback to the pro-fascist, anti-Semitic and racist movement of the 1930s. We’ve all known what kind of creatures these are since at least 2015.
Is saw your tag image, and now I’m wondering if it is time rename the White House?
Somebody page me when the take over the clenched fist salute for their MAGA rallies and print MAGA on berets. MAGA is synonymous with Blue Lives Matter now? WT ever loving F?
Right? Like when that guy said the lower stripes represent the criminals. Why not just go all the way and say the white stripes represents toilet paper that they wipe their butts with.
They have even got the America Legion, the keepers of flag respect protocol, to bless their flag defacement.