What even is Hyperpop

I mean, it’s an exaggerated, somewhat satirical, somewhat ridiculous take on the commercialization of techniques in pop music. And then people started to like it for its own thing.


Yes, I did. So let me turn the question on you.

Did you watch the video? 'Cause if you did, you’d see that Hyperpop is a nebulous and evolving genre that even pivotal figures in the scene aren’t fully able to define. I took the liberty of excising a specific clip to buttress my point.

I’m not sure what your question is supposed to mean. You want me to explain what hyperpop is in article presenting a video that explains what hyperpop is? Couldn’t you just, to borrow a phrase, watch the video, friend?


Yes, I did watch it. Interesting indeed.

I’m just saying that I’d find this BB post more compelling if it contained more evidence that you watched it, such as some commentary on or analysis of some of its content. Seems to me that might also make others more likely to watch it, and again, be more glad they read your post.


Missed opportunity: Hype-Hop


Not to be confused with Hyperpoop. Which is a kind of explosive diarrhoea you really do not want to experience.


Already a record label and a term for artists that are all hat and no cattle

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Or Hypertoot, which is the windier version of Hyperpoop


Okay, I did watch and I did listen. It’s catchy stuff - and very cute - but not its own category.

Why is all new music so safe? It’s no different than any radio format stuff. There’s some nice gumball pitch shifting. But it’s also really careful, almost by design, to stay in the lanes regarding pop rules on beats, synchronization, click click clack BOOM, etc.

I feel a sympathy for new music. There literally is no new pop to be found.

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I’m really struggling to see any example of what is here, though. I did watch the video.

All the same, can you provide one artist example? What’s an artist you really love that makes a great track I could hear as identifiably Hyperpop? I appreciate it’s nebulous and evolving but that shouldn’t mean it’s also invisible as a sound.

I worry there’s no “there” there.


Well, I certainly do. You chose to start this thread, so it makes sense that you should write a bit about the subject, not just drop a few sentences saying you didn’t understand but now you do because you watched a YouTube video.

I’ve mentioned before on this site that I have an auditory processing disorder, which means listening to information doesn’t work for me. Others usually chime in when I do, to mention they also have learning disorders of one type or another. Educators, lecturers, etc. know that you have to present your information in multiple ways in order to help people understand what you’re saying, because we don’t all take in information in the same way.

If this is an interesting subject for you, tell us why. Tell us what were the key components of the video that took you from knowing nothing on the subject to understanding it well. Give us something that makes us want to learn as well.


Hey look at that…I owe you a coke! I really should read the whole thread before responding, especially when I’m so close to the end.

Happy Coke Zero GIF by Coca-Cola

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This is exactly what hyperpop is pointing out. They’re doing this to extreme levels as a point of humor and fun.

Oh well I’m behind that! Thanks. That makes a lot of sense.

Hey now! This is cool! Thanks for the example. I like the vocoding and the aggressive beat making.

Nice turn into metal half way through, too. ROCK

Edit: Ha, okay, based on @Whim’s example, I’m officially a Hyperpop fan. Thanks.

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Fair point.

I didn’t want to reiterate, but if that’s what the people want, I’ll amend my style. I was writng to frame the video, not do a brief synopsis of what it is. If you guys don’t dig that, I’ll switch it up. The audience is the final editor.

Again, fair point. I’ll amend from here.


I know that personally I would like to see as much of you in your posts as possible. You often do a great job of tying things into your own life and experiences, which is appreciated. I think we just want more of that - hearing your take on “What Hyper-Pop Means To Me” after you learned more about it is something that I would like to read.

In regard to struggling to understand what sets an emerging genre apart from it’s predecessors, that is something I can relate to and enjoy playing with - I used to torture my then 16 year old daughter back in the early 2000s by responding to her attempts to put what Emo was into words - “It’s emotional music” - by saying things like "Oh, like ‘The Smiths’ :smiling_imp:


So thinking about this, Nerdcore might be a good comparable. It doesn’t really mean a sound as much as an idea, and that can be a nice idea for a collective. But I do suggest these artists get out of their computer a bit, especially for editing and structure. (unless the DAW timeline is part of the joke) But that’s all modern pop music. There’s so much better sound in outboard electronics.

But I’m for fun. The 100 gecs sold me.

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Nerdcore is pretty united regarding subject matter though. Hyperpop is much more united by production. I am still trying to understand what unites antifolk though…


Also, just going to put this here