What even is Hyperpop

Maybe this is hyperpop?


Soccer Win GIF by Football Australia

ETA: Also


My goodness people, 42 replies and zero mention of SOPHIE.

Sure sure, she was mentioned in the video and we got about 5 seconds of Lemonade…but that’s not nearly enough! Have 46 minutes of mixed tracks! (Including the Autechre mix of BIPP, which is fantastic)

Abyss X’s SOPHIE Mix for International Women’s Day (Crack Magazine)SC link


I do have to say that there are times where i am unable to watch a video but would like to know what is being discussed, so i do get some level of annoyance when the post doesn’t give much away. That’s not to say that a given author has to spell everything out every time, but in this case just a basic definition would’ve sufficed to pique people’s interest and then direct people to watch the video to learn more. With that said i did go ahead and post a link to a definition earlier in case it was useful to anyone :slight_smile:


Why? They don´t lie!


Man I love her… she’s so fucking weird.


What’s wrong with, “I saw this video about a thing and it was interesting. Discuss.”? /s

I seem to have an uncanny ability to annoy others with a weird knowledge of microgenres. “Ah, of course you like this. Your tastes clearly skew toward dream pop and synthwave.”

People think I’m full of crap when I begin naming things like witch house, cloud rap, vaportrap, or math rock. That being said I hadn’t heard of hyperpop before so that’s a new one to add to my list.


So many boat names!


Once you Hyperpop, you can’t Hyperstop!

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Video said it best at the end, hyperpop is a term placed on a community of likeminded artists, they didn’t coin it or define it or claim the music they were making is worthy of its own genre.

It’s cool but also not very avant garde, kind of like glam rock vs prog, power pop vs punk, this is just another “slightly leftfield” version of a very mainstream style of music (top 40 pop hip hop.)

It just turns some elements to 11 (absurd production, sampling, EDM vibes) and turns down others (making a ton of sense lyrically, catering to 11 year olds)

Anyway I mostly dug all the fashion on display, again not super avant-garde but very fun and unique and it gave me life.


No authority by any means, but when I hear the term “Hyperpop” I think of what Yasutaka Nakata was doing with Capsule, Perfume and Kyary Pamyu Pamyu circa 2009-2013

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I like that kids have finally made up a genre of music that belongs to them and doesn’t interest me, an adult. That’s the way youth culture should be!

Goldfrapp is good. :slight_smile:


Some other J-electro songs from around the same time would fit in too.

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Thanks. I appreciate the recommendations. These were both new to me.

PS: I see Aira Mitsuki’s Wiki entry says she’s a Nakata fan

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Now to bring things round full circle here’s some new Japanese hyperpop.

PS: Funny thing; was just thinking about Patrick St. Michel and Ian Martin, who I haven’t checked in on in ages last night.

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