Originally published at: What ever happened to white dog poop so popular in the 1970s? | Boing Boing
I have seen white dog poo in recent months. Not – perhaps – as white as the poo I remember from childhood (I can’t quite believe I’m typing about dog poo), but white nonetheless.
I live in Brighton, a British seaside town with more than its fair share of bohemians. I know many of my dog-owning neighbours feed their pooches with raw feed – either meat on the bone from the butcher’s shop, or a thawed mass of pulverised flesh and bone from the pet shop. I’m presuming that our local hounds are getting more calcium in their diet from the bones … not to mention that Brighton is built on chalk cliffs, and dogs love digging up lumps of chalk and chewing on them.
Come to think of it, the latter is probably a better explanation than the former.
Marcel Proust, is that you? Or, maybe, Marcel Poops?
Will someone please let Sarah Silverman know that’s we’ve finally figure it out.
Didn’t know this was a question I needed answered, but here we are. Thanks?
Oh yes, I remember the Pet Poop fad of the 70s
My dog only did white poo when he had a real bone to chew.
Nice yoink there of some choice Bob Dylan lyrics.
Well he’s done it enough…
Could it be that we’ve finally convinced most people to pick up after their dogs so there is not enough poop laying around to dry up and turn white?
Huh - I thought it was just because it was old and really dried out (which it was) but also because of the calcium.
I remember my dad saying he’d never buy Old Roy dog food from Walmart because it comes from Arkansas, which is the #1 chicken producing state, it it was full of feathers and chicken parts that couldn’t be digested but would be considered “protein” on the label.
Not sure if that is 100% true, but sounds like using bone meal dogs can digest was a thing!
I always thought it was because somebody finally figured out to polish a turd.
Now, if only someone would also explain how to use the grep command in linux/unix systems.
When I was a kid we used to call white dog poop powdered donuts and dare other kids to eat it. We were savages.
I don’t know… it seems like bone meal and marrow would be more expensive/nutritious ingredients than what they were replaced with, but I would actually have to put in some actual effort to research, so this reply is probably as far as I’ll go.
Harry felt like the only man in a mining camp who knows what gold looks like.
He started taking on whole streets at a time, and branched out. In the well-to-do areas the householders paid him, paid him, to take away night soil, the by now established buckets, the horse manure, the dustbins and even the dog muck. Dog muck? Did they have any idea how much the tanners paid for the finest white dog muck? It was like being paid to take away squishy diamonds.
The Truth, Sir Terry Pratchett
All dog poop turns white after time - as someone who has a dog who (the dog, that is) poops in the backyard and they (the poops, that is) are not all found to be picked up immediately, I can attest to this
In the 70s it was not really a thing to use a bag to pick up after your dog
There was more dog poop around to see in the 70s (see #2)
You saw more white dog poop in the 70s (see #3 and #1)