What happens to turkey feathers after the turkey becomes Thanksgiving dinner?


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Awesome factoid and photo both!

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I was particularly interested to read that the average lifespan of a wild turkey is only two years–about as long as a bottle of Wild Turkey lasts at my house. I would have thought it would be longer than that, but then I remember that, even in protected areas, they’re subject to predators such as foxes and coyotes.

Speaking of predators I hope you’ll forgive me for taking this opportunity to share a picture of a group of wild turkeys. This was taken at Radnor Lake, so these turkeys are at least protected from human predation.


Looking at this makes me feel better about no longer eating them.


Feather meal is a high nitrogen organic fertilizer…so organic vegetables is were a lot of turkey feathers go.


Good point.

I came away with two things:

  1. Big Bird is mostly turkey ass feathers
  2. Cowboy boots are not necessarly made from cows
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The best part is these turkeys are safe from being eaten even without a presidential pardon.

Ostrich leather boots (with matching belt and hat) are rather popular among Latino cowboys

My son goes to Cub Scout Camp every summer, and I’ve gone with him, and one morning we were awoken to the calls of the wild turkey hanging out in front of our tent, at 4am. They make quite an alarm clock.


You wouldn’t believe how labor intensive making Big Bird is. After they are custom dyed, each father is sewn into a long fabric ribbons of feathers which are then sewn onto the costume. And then 80 year old Caroll Spinney gets to hold his arm up the air forever performing BB. Last I heard they’d built him a brace. For at least a while there was only one workshop person who REALLY knew how to make BB, and Kermit (whose construction is more subtle than you’d think).

I saw more wild turkeys than that on a boulevard median on Staten Island!


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