What Hillary Clinton sounded like 47 years ago

The AP (via Twitter) just called Clinton the winner, reaching “the number of delegates needed to clinch the Democratic nomination.”

No link as I got tweet off spouse phone.

So, now it’s OK for the super-delegates to vote for the candidate who won fewer votes and fewer delegates?

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Did you ever wonder what was in Jeff Lebowski’s original ‘Port Huron Statement’ that wasn’t in the ‘compromised’ second draft?


OMG she is being attacked by a bear!!!

Why is she smiling???


Based on what older grads told me about that speech, this recording only covers the first ~1\4 of what she said that day. I would not be surprised if the Transatlantic-talking doyennes who ran the place didn’t cut it off when she veered off of her submitted piece, and took the “commencement speaker”, who came before her to the woodshed.

It was a great piece of public speaking; we have not heard the half of it. I dread having to vote for what she has bcome now. All the slings and arrows she has endured cannot excuse what she is today - every bit as corrupt, smug and rotten as the man she took down… in the portion of the speech that was not preserved. Or that was not released in this copy.

She made partner at Wolfram & Hart the Rose Law Firm at 32. Clinton was a remarkable 20-something, but had already made her pact with the devil before she turned 30.

She’ll be an OK president. Clinton at 21 would have been a better one, though I guess technically that couldn’t have happened.



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full transcript

not so sure… I have many relative and friends who believe that garbage

wait, when did Sanders drop out?

Thanks. I did link the AP story in the Lounge thread. (My old phone is really acting up…)

If she wins.

So far he has vowed not to.

My guess is it all depends if he can win California. If he claims such a big state it will show he has momentum. If he doesn’t win, well I hope he does the right thing and not incite his supporters to burn down Philadelphia.

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[quote=“Quinquennial, post:34, topic:79253”]
So far he has vowed not to.
[/quote]Nobody announces they’re going to drop until it’s actually time to do so.

That said, Bernie got a call from Obama today. Pulled over the motorcade and got out of the car and stood at the side of the highway talking to Obama. Then got back in his car, talked alone with his wife. Announced that they’d “assess where things stood” after tomorrow.

Tomorrow the last states vote. Wednesday, Obama’s going to be in NY with Hillary to endorse her. And Thursday he’s going on one of the late night shows to begin campaigning for her.

Decades of the real world too.

Too bad her policies are largely indistinguishable from a pro-choice moderate Republican.

A popular myth of the Clinton campaign and its astroturfers on blogs and sites… She said the same thing about Obama supporters in 2008…


[quote=“enso, post:37, topic:79253”]
Too bad her policies are largely indistinguishable from a pro-choice moderate Republican.
[/quote]Her policies (actual policies being run on in 2016, not her husband’s from 30 years ago) are virtually the same as Bernie’s, just as they were in congress where they voted with each other like 95% of the time.


No, her votes on public votes have been largely the same as Sanders. Not even the same thing unless you think she’s a socialist pushing for the things Sanders is advocating for publicly. A limited voting record isn’t the same as her policies. She’s a hawk who will happily support the TPP, invade other countries, drone strike civilians, and kill Americans extra-judicially without trial (just like Obama). She voted for Iraq and never saw a war she didn’t support.


[quote=“enso, post:39, topic:79253”]
No, her votes on public votes have been largely the same as Sanders. Not even the same thing.
[/quote]I’m talking about her stump speeches, the policy sections of her website, etc.

[quote=“enso, post:39, topic:79253”]
Not even the same thing unless you think she’s a socialist pushing for the things Sanders is advocating for publicly.
[/quote]Bernie isn’t advocating socialism, he’s advocating social democracy. They’re not the same thing.

[quote=“enso, post:39, topic:79253”]
She’s a hawk who will happily support the TPP, invade other countries, drone strike civilians, and kill Americans extra-judicially without trial (just like Obama). She voted for Iraq and never saw a war she didn’t support.
[/quote]She’s opposed to TPP. Bernie has repeatedly voted for intervention. And he supports Obama’s drone policy. Stop projecting your wishes onto him.

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I’d glad you think so. I see no evidence that her “policies” are “virtually the same as Bernie’s.” Feel free to add citations to prove it beyond a voting record, which isn’t policies.

Is she advocating for free college for citizens, for example? How about a universal minimum wage (a living one) or health care for all citizens?