What is America's biggest health crisis? Not gun violence but porn, GOP says

Well, if you don’t look at the stuff, how are you going to be able to tell everyone else which types are the really harmful ones?


the only thing that stops a bad guy with porn is a good guy with a big, stiff penis.

What I’m saying is the GOP will never stop bad guys with porn.

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There’s a new definition of addiction: Junior likes it and mommy hates it.

See: porn, chat, games, masturbation, …


One can only hope … although I do have to think I’ve heard that before and it didn’t come to pass then, unfortunately. (Or maybe this is just part of the death throes of the party?)


Ummm, have you been napping these last few years?!?


Seeing as the party is filled with hypocrites and closeted persons that deny glbt human rights, this will energize the base and not put anyone off. They’re used to compartmentalization.

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Apparently, just by looking at porn. I’m assuming that the strength of the rush is directly proportional to the offensiveness of the porn to ‘contemporary community standards’; so depending on where you reside you might need to find some really good stuff, or travel to your local reactionary enclave to get a really good hit.

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As much as I find Trump to be an odious character on quite a few levels, it’s important to remember that he only gets credit for some of this stuff: The ‘values’ types thumping their literally-interpreted KJVs and fulminating about porn and sodomites both predate him(as anything resembling a political possibility) by a long shot and really have nothing in common with his positions except some tribalism. He’s been amazingly successful at getting them to overlook the fact that he’s at least 380% more sinful than most filthy liberals; but only after all the Team Jesus candidates were terminated in the primaries by assorted crushing margins.

He gets full credit for taking reactionary nativism and really running with it; but the ‘values’ stuff goes back at least as far as the ‘Moral Majority’ types and is just hoping to piggyback on any non-Democrat who might possibly win.


Lots of cuckold porn in the Deep South, naturally.

Coincides with the Breitbart crowd’s obsession with “cucks”.


He’s their trashy white base, only with monies. Of course they love him!

The GOP: Promoting the severe repression of natural urges whilst handing out long-range, phallus-like killing devices. WHAT COULD GO WRONG?


Call a doctor if your steel priapism lasts for over 4 hours.

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Something, something, nanny state. What’s this I smell, is it projection?

@Snowlark: Is that…Channing Tatum in the first pic?


First, a confession: while I’ve heard of Tatum, I had to Google Image his mug to refresh my visual memory.

Probability would suggest no. Visually…well, let me put it this way: if you told me this was a picture of Tatum, I wouldn’t blink for second.

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It’s bigger on the inside.



Give credit where it’s due. As the Party of Comcast, the GOP has helped keep us in a state where we pay more money for less bandwidth and less reliability, thereby mitigating the plague of porn infesting this land.


Exactly - this is the same old Republican party that seems to be completely ignoring the meaning of Trump’s popularity. Trump has succeeded despite not really hitting those traditional Republican “values” (personal and political) and has still managed to get the support he has - support that is (or at least should be) causing the Republican party to question what it is its voters actually want from it. But yet, clearly, it’s the same old (despicable) Republican party hitting those same points they’ve traditionally hit, despite the fact that it’s not doing them any good. It’s like they’re trying to be irrelevant. They’ve completely lost some of those battles - e.g. gay marriage (where even 61% of young Republicans are for gay marriage) - and the other issues aren’t the motivators they once were. The Republican party goes along, the same ugly mess as ever, even though that now means it’s cannibalizing itself.

Trump is an “outsider” to politics, but his talking points are similar enough. A populist “revolutionary” not interested in reforming the system, just replacing the existing guard.

Trump’s aptness is towards social media and television certainly, but I see no evidence that he’d be any less corrupt than the existing GOP, only louder and with product placement for his own schemes.

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