What is the meaning of this unusual sticker spotted on a jeep?

The buried premise in your question, is that there is something wrong with this bumper sticker.

The made-up scenario that people are advancing, is a dad using this car to pick up their kid every day from school or day care. And in that scenario, the driver of that car is an asshole.

In every other instance I can think of, I can’t get myself too worked up about it. I routinely see worse on pickup trucks. Some advertisements are worse than this.

But gosh, if a divorced mother kept her kids back from scheduled visits with her ex, because she was mad at him?

Yup, its totally the man’s fault.


“My kid is tougher than your kid” is a bumper sticker about the kids. When I see a bumper sticker like that, I have a pretty dim judgement of the parenting skills of the driver.

“Daddy doesn’t let me see you because he’s mad at me” is not something I hear about-ever.

But the genders as represented in this cartoon? I hear about it frequently enough that the “joke” (as gross as it is) at least makes some sort of sense.

If the message contained in this picture is honestly something you’ve never encountered in the world, then I envy you.


It’s fairly explicit. You don’t pick up your kid in a car with that message on it in front of his family and friends. You don’t embarrass them or use them publicly like that as pawns in your argument with your spouse.

Who could just as easily be someone in a same sex divorce with kids btw.


Doing so is actually evidence of bad parenting that won’t help your argument in court. It’s not just wrong / it’s also stupid.


That doesn’t have a damn thing to do with me; I’m only responsible for what I post.

And I did not say or infer anything about “fault,” or bias against men.

I’m not having that conversation with you; this isn’t the Persecution Olympics… and even if it was, you wouldn’t even qualify, let alone medal.


What do you mean “buried”? I’m straight up proclaiming there is something wrong with that door-sized decal.

The reasonable assumption is that the dad uses that car to pick up the kid on “his” weekends. Because it’s practically written on the side of the car.

The mother’s actions are her responsibility. The man’s actions are his responsibility. The only action we can judge based on the information at hand is “the dad put a douchey message on the door of his car.”

Probably because that’s the kind of thing no decent parent would write on the side of their car.


Regardless to what that parent does or does not have between their legs.

Publicizing your marital issues like that is childish and petty, not to mention highly counterproductive.


And (one would think it goes without saying) a fucking awful thing to do to a child, no matter which parent is doing it, or why.


That’s where I keep landing, regardless to which parent did what; it’s a shitty, inconsiderate fucking thing to do to your own kid. Period.


People who badly want to draw as much attention as possible to their private and personal family problems from an unvetted audience… eeeeehhhhhhhhhh


Full Disclosure- 25 year married, Caucasian “OK Boomer” Dad here.
I believe this is a prototypical example of the automotive Decorative Mating Display of a “Men’s Rights”, “Incel Curious” Trump Voter.


The jeep is probably owned by a divorce lawyer. Who doesn’t even have any kids!


Relax, I have a pretty good idea right now how many of my problems are the easy, first world kind. Consensus has been established, this jeep is driven by an unsavory character, and anyone sympathetic to whats being said here, is also an unsavory character. It’s not as if I ever plan on having children or getting married, so from my end it’s all academic.

The closest I could get to seeing this image through “more normal eyes”… was imagining what their marriage mustve been like before the divorce.

Maybe the kids are a loss no matter how you look at it. But the woman is better off.


My comment assumed nothing of the sort, but challenged easy, lazy assumptions filtered through the lens of groupthink.

Assuming you were right, and this were a kid’s mom, it would amount to a mother loudly proclaiming to the world how capricious and unfair she was in her parenting. Technically I suppose that’s possible, but… not likely enough to merit discussion.

(I made a similarly unlikely assumption, that it’s driven by a man with no contact at all with his offspring. The consensus seems to be that’s also not worth considering)

Gilead in this context refers to Margaret Atwood’s A Handmaid’s Tale, not The Dark Tower. If you’re interested, I’d recommend the 1990 film over the currently running miniseries.



Pretty sure you and I are not playing the same game tonight. I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. Given what you’ve said to me so far, I am guessing its some variant of, “this is not about you”. Am I close?


It’s a good time to advise both X and YYZ chromosomes’ roles in child rearing. 4 good.
Considering it’s not a stretch for the car dealer (or captive leasing agent) to have required the sticker?
Detail shop misread/misprint/no-takebacksies, maybe refunds.
Jeep is new standard white Ford by order of CPS Majister?
Ditto but IRS Audit?
Computer Helpers but in Idaho?


Yes but the monochrome rendition lends it well to being a removable magnet, which if the kid requested that to come with their Jeep, they will want. I hope.


Oh, it’s totally a stretch of even the most fertile imagination; but you wax on regardless, Flossy.

Your comments are always a wonderfully weird delight…

Oh, Hell, I never even thought about it being the kid’s jeep.

Mind = Blown.


What the hell is cis- ? and why am I seeing it so much lately? I thought this board was in English?