What is this mysterious black vertical line seen stretching from ground to sky?

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Nice breakdown. They ARE pretty freaky - I’ve seen it happen a couple of times, never as vertical as that and usually where you can spot the contrail nearby in the sky to easily figure out. But the thickness, color are exactly the same. It’s even more obvious when you’re in the air and see a contrail shadow from a different airplane.

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I saw a line like that cast by the peak of Mt. Shasta years ago, just after sunset where I was, in Modoc Co. California,as I recall about 40 miles east of Shasta. There has to be a layer of calm dusty atmosphere at the right altitude, and no clouds blocking the setting sun’s light from hitting the peak. I mention it because the line in this photo seems to be quite well aligned with a peak in the distance.

Given that, then the clouds obscuring the shadow were at a lower altitude than the shadow, and would obscure it.

Because the line is exactly vertical, we can conclude that the photographer was directly under it.

The photo was taken just after local sunset, or just before local sunrise, depending on whether the photog was facing west or east.

Knowing the location, we could also tell to within a calendar day or two when the photo was taken, which would be during one of two very brief windows every year, when the sun rises or sets at the correct azimuth.

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