What the president of Y Combinator learned from interviewing 100 Trump supporters


Short version: they’re idiots.



Really? Because that’s exactly what he said he’d give you. Stupid glass-headed wallaby.


No, they like that he sounds like one of them: An angry, intolerant sorehead.


They have one. “I fucked up, this guy’s not what I believed. Let’s do something about it.”

How could anyone misunderstand trump? He wasn’t just a closet racist, he opened his campaign by calling mexicans rapists. There was nothing to misunderstand. Voting for trump was saying that being liberal is worse than being a racist.

That is an opinion commonly held by the left. So no, your path does not work for most of the people on the left.


It’s a man’s voice. That’s enough for many.


Not surprisingly, many of them feel the same way about you.

Well, you write that as if that didn’t happen in the 2016 campaign: Hillary certainly addressed those concerns. That is not a sufficient condition.

What we need, and Trump has amply proven this, is someone to talk down to the idiot class of people who comprise the rural, white, right-wing of America. For their own good, we need a Democrat who does NOT overthink it, does NOT complicate things. Just really, really dumb down the conversation. Keep it honed in, and do not veer away from, the core values of these idiots. Spout platitudes about “Patriotism”, “America First”, “Values” and they’ll eat it up! (Yes, of course, you’ll be concerned about women’s rights, minority rights, unions, refugees-- but don’t TALK about it, it really gets the idiot rural white voters upset.)

All Trump does is talk down to the electorate-- and they love being talked down to. He constantly insults their intelligence, lying to them, reversing himself, claiming his reversal was his original intent, etc., etc. (While meanwhile, of course, he does nothing for them but pay lip service, while he does everything he can for rich and corporatist interests, that is, his own interest.)

So, Democrats, if you want to win, just dumb it down!

Eg, campaign speech by Auda Abu Tayi of the Howeitat Party:

I carry twenty-three great wounds, all got in battle. Seventy-five men have I killed with my own hands in battle. I scatter, I burn my enemies' tents. I take away their flocks and herds. The Turks pay me a golden treasure, yet I am poor! Because I am a river to my people!


Listen: he got 63 million votes (not discounting those who voted illegally for him). These people are not going away. You have several possibilities:

  1. Try to convince them they were wrong (not gonna happen)
  2. Stay angry at them (sure, it feels good, just what the country needs, a deeper divide)
  3. Ignore them (they are 63 million people and some of them know how to use twitter)
  4. Try to understand and find common ground (but…they voted for Trump and haven’t yet admitted they are idiots)
  5. Leave the country (that’s what I did in 2002 shortly after and partly because of 9/11).

Other than 5, I’m not seeing any good options here…


6. Outvote them where it matters.

Doubtless. So?

Are they trying to listen to me? Am I asking them to?

It’s what @waetherman said upthread - there’s no common ground there. I can’t support what they want. It’s either abhorrent, untrue, or even worse with their choice of candidate. I don’t see a solution beyond them experiencing what they voted for and enough of them not voting for it again, or others being more motivated to vote against it next time.

Has Trump recognized that he lost the popular vote and governed in a moderate way to bring the country together or doubled down on all the awful bullshit?


** and before I get spit on . . .

No, there are not two reasonable sides to every argument, and there is no moral equivalence between who we have and who we might have elected.

But if you’re willing to simply write off 63 million of your fellow human beings with a “fuck you” then you’re part of the problem, not part of the solution.


my goodness the typos!! proofread? spellcheck? “what makee them nervous” “convince them to note vote for Trump”

I’ll listen to a 45 supporter say they’re sorry only after they invest blood sweat tears and money getting the POS out of power. Then they can say they’re sorry… to immigrant families they’ve help rip apart, to Muslim people who have been in the crossfire of all sides, to poor people who have been further stomped in the dirt, to people who aren’t white. But really I don’t need to hear anything from them…just see good intention and effort to attone


It’s Cory. You’ve set your expectations for grammar and spelling too high. He’s a writer, after all.

Huh, I guess it’s Frauenfelder. Not Cory.

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Is that based on what they read in many articles comparable to this one, where people interviewed daneel and other Trump opponents in an earnest attempt to understand our view? Or is it just some sort of knee jerk prejudice, like the way they feel about refugees, as I have gathered from their own explanations?


Fair, but I’m not really seeing a whole lot of “earnest attempt to understand” going on in the comments here (unless that’s what “fuck them all” is code for.) In fact, my dismay is that the whole direction of this comment thread is a complete rejection of what Altman is trying to say.


But you yourself would reject your argument, about something you felt was a terrible act. Take your pick, murder, abuse, torture… you probably think just making sure your own kids are educated not to do those isn’t sufficient, and probably think the government should get involved in stopping them. No?

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The law has been decided on this point. If they actually care, then I guess the logical thing for them to do would be to bomb and shoot up abortion clinics. Which they already do.

The party that is okay with that, is also the one that’s determined to arm everyone.


By believing all the horrible things said about Clinton, while only being exposed to/believing the things that republican-friendly outlets said about Trump.

It’s quite easy for people who had been suckered by the “all the liberal media are liars” rhetoric that has been floating around to have ended up drastically misunderstanding the situation. And, really, if they weren’t feeling they were suckered in some way, they’re unlikely to admit they “fucked up” no matter what anyone on the opposing side says.


They have that opportunity. Very few have availed themselves of it.