What to do when your 5'8" boyfriend insists he is 6 feet tall

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So I’m 6’3" and back in my depressed dude days was within a few pounds of 240lbs. And this was not a muscular 240lbs, either. So yeah, I know what 240lbs on a 6’3" frame looks like, and it doesn’t look like Trump.


So my height according to the tBMI conversion scale is 7’8"!!!

I am standing tall!

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I suspect Trump was not-quite 6’ 3" when he was younger, but said he was. Subsequently he’s also shrunk.

It’s amazing that Trump has gotten away with this, not once but twice with different doctors. His personal physician allowed him to write his own medical report and signed it, even though medically it was nonsense. Trump somehow got Ronny Jackson to go along with the same deal, which explains why he seemed to have forgotten how to spell his own name when “Ronnie” signed the medical report. It explains why Trump liked Jackson so much - he was willing to let Trump self-report his height and weight and who knows what else.

He probably never even saw it before it went out. When the misspelling is in the signature, the lie is in not repudiating the total forgery that someone is passing off as your document…

Oh, but it’s worse than that, as obviously Trump looked at a chart that showed where the obesity height/weight cut-off was and just completely made up both his height/weight numbers so that they would put him under the cut-off point. Neither his height or his weight is close to the truth. He only put himself one pound under obese because he obviously recognized that he was very clearly obese and thought he was pushing plausibility as it was. And this is a man willing to make up completely implausible lies and stand by them.


Yes. And hard. And again, again, and again…etc.


“in the Hllls, the Cities.”

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Whenever he finally dies, I seriously hope the autopsy report gets leaked.


Has anyone asked Trump how he thinks he sizes up compared to George Washington?


I might have a guess from a weird experience I had…

Before 2008, I worked in a big Office Space type work environment. There was a Regional Manager at the same office that was a walking, uncontrolled Id - any little impulse that popped into his macho head, he acted on.

In 2008, the office was closed and everyone fired.

In about 2013 or 2014, I ran into him at a cheap lunch place in the middle of a work day. He loudly began grilling me about whether I had a job, how much I was making, etc. I evaded. But…when we both worked at the same office, he was about 5’ 10", and I had to look up to meet his eyes… Now, I think he was barely making it to 5’ 6", and I felt like I was looking down at him. What happened? He doubled his weight, at least. He had a HUMONGOUS gut pulling his back into an exaggerated C-shape, as a kind of front-to-back scoliosis with no side-to-side displacement. He was so fat, he was becoming a Sine wave.


One doesn’t get enough real life fairy tales. Thank you.


Critics are suggesting Trump overestimated his height so his Body Mass Index would be conveniently classified as “overweight”, not “obese”.

This doesn’t seem to make much sense to me. If he can get doctors to lie about his height (so as to have a weight that leaves him below-obese, while almost certainly lying about his weight)-- why not just have them lie about the weight only?

It would seem much, much more difficult to lie about one’s height. Weight, however, can always be hidden beneath voluminous suits and combed-over hair.

There you go again, trying to apply logic to something Spanky did…

His vanity outweighs his cleverness by at least one order of magnitude.


This makes me think that any man (or male-identifying) who cares enough to lie about their height would also be the type to lie that their penis is enormous, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Then again, I also knew a 6"1’ woman whose mother made her say she was 5"13’ (because being naturally tall wasn’t ‘ladylike’, apparently). They were both idiotic. :unamused:


I suspect when he was young he was somewhere in the rough vicinity of 6’ 3" (and probably lied about it then, too, but not enough that anyone could really tell) and refuses to acknowledge that anything has changed. (He also simply makes up his weight number, wholecloth, obviously.) But it’s not just about avoiding being identified as obese. Height is, by itself, also an important measurement for many men, as they see height correlating with “manliness.” Trump, as an insecure idiot, lies about everything he sees as so correlating - e.g. his hand size, even though we can clearly see his damn hands.

Ironically he can’t even manage that. His ill-fitting suits don’t do him any favors. I always assumed his suits were un-tailored, off-the-rack purchases, which is why they fit so terribly. Apparently they are tailored though, which is inexplicable unless Trump, instead of letting the tailor do his thing and shape the suits to be flattering and weight-hiding, instead insists on dictating how they’re tailored. But since he’s an incompetent idiot with severe Dunning-Kruger, it just makes the suits look worse and doesn’t hide his weight at all.


Trump lies because he feels it gives him power-and maybe it does. When he lies about things that are easily disproven, it’s because he knows he CAN, and that his base will believe him. “I can make 40 million people believe something that’s obviously not true! I’m da MAN!!”

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