Whatcha Watchin' (Season 2)

Simply everything…even her and Emanuelle Chiqri as disco queens.

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I’d heard that JJ did get its 3rd season greenlit, but Netflix has cancelled all of its Marvel shows. No idea if S3 will air or not.


Fingers crossed, but if they’ve been issued some sort of polite cease-and-desist, then they can’t, even if they’re all done and ready to go.


As far as I know, they are showing a 3rd season, as it was already in the can, just no 4th season.


I’m catching up on ST:D recently, and besides the best abbreviation in the Star Trek universe, it is questionably entertaining. (Now, everyone is talking about that second storyline as an origin of The Greatest Threat The Galaxy Has Ever Seen ™. Meh. Not the best of ideas, that. Hope that’s not the gist.) My main point of buggerance is the pace. Far too much action based hopping and running and shooting for my taste, and storylines developing so quickly that it would last for several seasons. All burned so quickly that I am asking myself if they don’t plan for a longer lasting series.

Another thing which I don’t like is how they first build up some characters , start fleshing them out - and then use them only for over-the-top comic relief across several episodes.

But all in all, I am enjoying ST:D. It’s distracting me from reality far enough for a short while.


I enjoyed the first season, looking forward to the second one… I liked Burnham and love all the mirror universe action. I like the story arc with the Klingons, but was not a fan of the redesign of the Klingons, but I guess I’m biased towards the TNG, DS9, Voyager era Klingons….

In other Trek news, today in m classes, I’m showing the Star Trek: Deep Space 9 episode “Far Beyond the Stars” from season 6… I love that episode. Avery Brooks and Armin Shimmer are fantastic in it… It’s cool to see the actors who regularly have on make up playing as humans instead of aliens, Michael Dorn, Shimmerman, Marc Alaimo, Jeffery Combs, etc.



Good to know.

In other Marvel news, after many failed attempts (don’t ask) I finally got to watch Into the Spider Verse with my kid.

As expected, it was:


I need more comic book movies to look and feel like that; it was freakin’ awesome.


I am going to be that pedantic person but the title Star Trek has never been included in the abbreviation, it’s always traditionally been just the subtitle - TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT. So discovery would be DIS.

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Yo, R U dissing me?

Dear friend, I’ve been long enough on this internet of ours to have seen extensive discussions about anything Star Trek related, and the ST: prefix is not something totally aberrant. Which is totally enough for me.

Just have a look at this Wikipedia page, BTW:

You can DIS all you want, of course. But I am going to stick to my ST:D.

This reads stronger than intended. Just leave me my cunning punning. Please?


No, not totally aberrant but i was fed up of seeing people write it like that just as an excuse to rag on discovery because it wasn’t like the trek they remembered. Not that you personally are ragging on discovery.

Nah, I wouldn’t. I really enjoy many characters. @Mindysan33 liked Burnham, she said. I would say I’m already at the holy shit why do I care so much for an invented character level. :wink:

The effects are good, too. Storylines, well, it’s complicated, right? Pace: to quick for me, I am old. But ST:D is already more addictive and much better than any of the rebooted movies.

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Not real star trek…


But I’m still not convinced we are in the same universe as the original series, BTW. There’s going to be some serious explaining to do if they want to keep continuity, and this could actually make ST:D much worse. I have seen the “we’ll connect to canon” announcements, but I still have my doubts about if it is even desirable.
That said: no, those movies? Not Star Trek. Fully agree.


The fact that the Klingons look so very different is one point in your favor. [eta] I know the answer is “we have a larger budget so the aliens can look more alien…”, but I’d like a canon reason. I thought they cooked up something plausible during Enterprise to explain the differences between TOS and TNG, so hopefully, they can do so for this as well…

I don’t know how they’ve dealt with either Pike or Spock yet, so I’m interested to see that.

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It’s becoming a tiny bit clearer to me now why they set the series at that point in time even though for a long while it just seemed pointless, i still think they would have been much better off setting it further into the future (say 25th century) then they wouldn’t have to retcon stuff out like the spore drive. There’s no doubt it takes place in the same universe as the original series (S02E08 If Memory Serves being a continuation of events on Talos IV) and i’m really not that concerned by how more advanced it looks in comparison because they had to make do with the budget and tech they had at the time. Wasn’t there a massive controversy regarding the look of the motion picture and what they did to the klingons at the time? It was my understand that fans hated the new look… though i’m really not very keen on the look of these new klingons.

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If you choose not to abbreviate it ST:D, then there’s really only one other choice:


Well, why not huh. People complaining about that as well because it’s all millennial or something and you kids stay out of my bins…

I will say though the discovery ship is a beautiful bit of design but doesn’t that thing have any cargo bay doors?! What if they have a massive ship-wide power failure and there are people working in there?


Anyone else seen Hereditary? OMG, THAT scene will stick with me for a good long while. The ending was a bit conventional though, given how crazy it was prior to the ending…


Oh, and also finally got to the theater to see Captain Marvel… That Stan Lee cameo, tho… That’s the BEST one ever. Apparently, it made Kevin Smith cry!.


Meanwhile, the second season of The Tick dropped this week. Loved the first season, so hopeful about this one, and the return of lovable Ms. Lint and Overkill.