Whatcha Watchin'?

Let the speculating begin on Doctor no. 13!

I want a black lesbian transgendered muslim immigrant woman to play the next Doctor.


I want to go audition and then have it revealed that I was really The Valeyard for an entire season.


As much as Iā€™d like to see the new showrunner follow through with Moffatā€™s plan of having a woman take the role I donā€™t have much confidence in his prior work.


Iā€™d fully support this! Weā€™ll see what the Doctor thinks! :wink:


Chibnall did Broadchurch, right? What didnā€™t you like about it?

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At the risk of politicizing this threadā€¦Theresa May is already on the record of just wanting the program to stay entertaining, wonā€™t say sheā€™d like a woman Doctor.

If not now, when? No time like the present to introduce some diversity. See also the next Bond.


Broadchurch was okay. Better than average, but not my particular cup of tea. Unfortunately he also did some truly horrible episodes of Who and Torchwood. Iā€™m not yet convinced he can write in that genre without it descending into tropes and cliche.

On a better note, my wife and I just binged all of ā€œThe Good Placeā€ last weekend and absolutely loved it. Weā€™re really anxious to see how season 2 builds off the reveals from the season 1 finale.

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Iā€™m sort of annoyed they havenā€™t taken the opportunity to use The Valeyard again. I always liked the concept.


I started re-watching the original Star Trek and re-discovered that Clint Howard is the most terrifying thing in the entire series.


Genetics are so weird:


Now I want to re-watch Nosedive.

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I dunnoā€¦ I quite enjoyed Dinosaurs on a Spaceshipā€¦ and 42 wasnā€™t terrible. Though he did that sex gas monster episode of torchwood, but he also wrote kiss kiss bang bangā€¦ Countrycide was quite good, though. I think it set up the tone of the show for the rest of itā€™s run (up through the excellent Children of Earth series, at least).

I think Broadchurch shows some maturity in his writing, if nothing else. And of course, showrunning isnā€™t the same as directing and writing for a show (though Iā€™m sure heā€™ll want to do that some).

Weā€™ll have to see. Any guess for the next Doctor, though?

I havenā€™t seen the Good Placeā€¦


Me too. There are tons of stuff from the classic series Iā€™d like to see, the Valeyard being one. Maybe now that the Time Lords are back, we can see more stuff on Galifreyan political intrigue, as that was always fun stuff, especially during the Baker eraā€¦ and didnā€™t the 4th Doctor just sort of drop Leela off on Galifrey? How about following up on what happened with her?


Oh right, I forgot he did that one. That was quite good.

Either a black or south Asian man or a white woman are my bets. If itā€™s a woman probably a slightly older actress with broad comic and drama experience like Gillian Anderson or Tamsin Greig. If itā€™s a man I expect theyā€™ll choose a younger unknown actor.

@ me when you do, I really want to talk about it with someone.


I always thought ZoĆ« Wanamaker would make a good lady Doctor. Iā€™m just not sure if she has the acting chops. Iā€™ve only ever seen her in supporting roles.

Plus, I think I caught her in a David Tennant episode once. (Although with a Tardis all manners of things are possible.)


Ah yes! She was Cassandra! Thanks Googly Moogly!


If weā€™re going to open it right up, how about Meera Syal? She was solid in a Matt Smith two-parter, has decent acting chops and the gravitas to play a decent Doctor. Like a Troughton to Capaldiā€™s Hartnell.


Okay, fine! I cave!

Iā€™ll watch it already; I can no longer hold out.

(Plus I finished Arrested Development, so Im out of stuff to watch again.)

#@ ALL Doctor Who Fans:

Where should a noob with only an elementary knowledge of the series jump in and begin watching? ( I donā€™t have that much time on my hands to start at the very beginning, back in the 60ā€™s.)

The 5th Doctor, maybe?

Or whichever number David Tennant was?


The peak of the original was Tom Baker (4). So either there, or Eccleston (9), the start of the reboot.


You can pick and choose stories from the old series. I am fond of Tom Baker in general. But the first Dalek story is great stuff for old old old school and I could list a bunch as I think of them.

For the new series I really liked Eccleston in the first series still angry and hurting from exterminating his own race to stop the war with the Daleks. Tennant I think is better than Matt Smith but really they are all great in the role. I think that having the doctor regenerate and be a bit different keeps the show from getting stale.