When Trump blocks Americans on Twitter, that may violate the Constitution

What if the Whitehouse blocked your phone number via caller-id? How is this different?

Like I said, twitter is a public forum. Like it or not, the replies section to major figures is more like a comment thread than anything else. If you block someone from replying, you’re not closing them out from the whole conversation.

If Trump wants to mute people, that’s fine. Blocking them shuts them out of discussions with other people, however, as well as putting their thoughts on the thread for others to see. Given this is an official government account, open for the public, I think there’s a legitimate argument here.

Or, to use your analogy, imagine if you called the White House, and got to talk to everyone else calling the White House and discuss things. The White House blocking your phone number would be very different then, wouldn’t it?

Interesting viewpoint young Crisula, if indeed that is your real name. Considering you are less than 24 hours old, anyways welcome to BB.

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If POTUS is not allowed to block anyone on Twitter, he should equally not be allowed to block people from using the pencil and the pile of empty sheets on his desk.

This seems like a real problem, especially as more of our lives are lived in cyberspace as much as in meat space. Especially so, since so many people want to embrace technologies to solve non-technological problems (like online voting or putting as much government functions online as possible, even if they serve people who might not be technologically savvy, such as seniors, especially working class seniors).

I wonder if this is a case of the technology driving far ahead of our social/bureaucratic structures or just a case of people not being informed? A bit of both, perhaps? Which should come first, the technology or the bureaucratic structures to support them (and if the latter, how do we get ahead of the curve)?

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He’s the president of the US and uses Twitter as his primary mode of communications with the public. This isn’t a diary (and note that many diaries of presidents have been preserved and archived as a public good).


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