Where's the beef? Wendy's running low on hamburger meat

The Covid slow-down is affecting all kinds of manufacturing and supply chains. I doubt lab-grown meat would be unaffected.

Oh yeah. I’ve definitely never seen either of those. I’m in the Northeast, too.

@bcsizemo, that’s what confused me a bit. The op started by talking about Subway, so I was thinking loaves and rolls. Not a big fan of the canned “biscuits” (hence the scare quotes), but this actual bread in a can (like, baked and canned) is totally new to me.

It’s not you, it’s the internet itself.

I live in the kitchen, but pretty much hate baking, mainly because my kitchen isn’t really well designed for working with flour (no large, flat surface to knead), but being from the Midwest originally, I will occasionally suck it up and make drop biscuits for biscuits & gravy. Only slightly more complicated than from a can and so, so tasty.


12:33 is the best part.


You can get dough in a can?

Haven’t eaten at a Subway in a long long time. Does bread recently made from frozen dough taste as stale as bread that’s been sitting around for a while?

I am a bit stereotypical American in that I love hamburgers.

My family nickname is Wimpy for a reason😊

I respect the views of vegetarians and such, and I love tofu a ton- but I still need a damn hamburger occasionally


Clara “Where’s the beef?” Peller was a national treasure.
Wendy’s? Mmmnn, not so much.

Capitalism designed a food supply that isn’t resilient to a pandemic, but generates larger profits in non pandemic years


Besides, labs aren’t used for mass production. More like a factory, maybe specifically in a vat.

I wondered about tyat.

I guess it’s more the bread is drab, but I can’t see it being better if it was made from scratch at each outlet of a big chain.

If yiu want good, better find a place that isn’t part of a chain.

The working conditions also make it difficult to maintain distance. It’s a huge problem in PA, too:


I’m right there with you. But, leaving aside cattle-killing, the major sources of commercial meat have Indigenous-people killing, Amazon deforesting, worker mistreatment (including the current COVID-19 hellscape), etc. etc.

I try not to order meat out, and buy my meat from reputable sources, but sometimes the taco truck or burger stand lures me in…

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I’m not a vegan at all, but I’ve had the Impossible Whopper and was quite impressed. And there are certainly vegan and meatless meals that I like. Stir-fried tofu (with a ton of vegetables, as I like with anything stir-fried) is something I particularly enjoy.

It’s just too bad I’m not a fan of beans in general (green beans being an exception). The taste and texture just don’t do it for me.


Me too. I thoroughly love tofu in all forms. And maybe it’s just because I haven’t eaten meat in so long, but when I have some veggie product that’s made to taste convincingly like beef or whatever, it’s absolutely disgusting. Maybe to everyone though, ha.


Got Soylent Green?

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They still have infinite frosty cards. Only good for one year and they cost a dollar. At least around here they do.

Where I come from, there was only one non-corporate, locally-owned burger joint in town, Bucky’s. Bucky’s burgers, in business for over 40 years. to some a laughing stock. To others, a hard mainstay. To me, they were non-corporate, and that made all the difference.


I tried Burger King’s Impossible Burger on a road trip to Seattle a few months ago and was shocked by how good it tasted. I literally thought they’d given me a hamburger patty by mistake.