Adam Savage.
Given how this interaction turned out, my money’s on pepper spray.
Glad to see that the spray works. I’ve kept a can in my car for the past 3-5 years. Never had to use it, thankfully, but now I see how effective it can be.
Cheetos, though, Mark, you had me rolling!
It happened in Russia.
So pepper spray beats knife, and now also beats whip. One more for weapon ranking bingo…
Who feels like a big man NOW?
Be sure to tell that family member of yours about the neat website you found.
Great reminder to always have Flaming Hot Cheetos in the glove compartment.
That’s beautiful. I hope it’s real.
Woah! Please tell me that’s real!
I mean, I hate to see another incident of a woman being harassed just for being a woman, but damn! I hope that’s real.
But you still just had to look at it.
random animated gif search…so no clue.
Well, if it is, I’m saying Russia here, too.
I assumed it wasn’t the U.S. because there were no guns involved.
Bully guy dropped exactly like a sack of shit on a 100F day… so… real.
“Авто страсть” [automobile/road rage] leads me to an instagram page.
I could find no GIF for this exchange, though I greatly desired it:
But anyone who’d buy a “Tactical” whip is easily defeated by a sly wink, turning around while bending over a bit, and saying "Ay Papi! I like it if you make it sting!.. The safe word is “FoxNews”.
No spirit in whipping anything at that point.
Definitely Sigfreid & Roy